Match Between Raimon and Lightning (part 2)

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Nobody POV
'Tenma, your awake. We are so happy.' Shindou exclaim as he ask a paused at the game. but tenma cutted when he tries to paused the game.

'Shindou-san, do not paused the game. I came or woke up because i wanted to say that I never wanted a promise from you all. All I wanted is you to be happy and enjoy real soccer.' Tenma make everyone widened their eyes. They all got up except for tsurugi, everyone will only depend on tsurugi to score the goals, and shindou.

'Tsurugi, I wanted to say that I felt the same way as you do. I'm happy to get to play soccer with you.' Tenma Gave a big smile as tsurugi got on his feet and smile back with a sentence that gave everyone shocked.

'I Love you Tsurugi, Mina. Win this like we always do.' Tenma gave a big and cheerful smile that they haven't seen for so long. The lightning junior said something that made tenma upset and he cries.

'Oh hey guys look, their the famous captain, Matsukaze tenma is now on the wheel chair. *everyone in Lightning Junior laugh* His leg is broken and now all he can do is use words to cheer everyone siprit up. Let you know, you'll never going to win.' They continue laughing so as tenma continue crying as well. Raimon is really mad at what they say then kirino said

'Hey lightning, just let u know that tenma words cheer us up. he is our precious friend, our captain and our soccer freak.' Kariya nodded. tenma stop crying and just continue hearing

'Yeah, I agree with kirino-senpai. Tenma is my best friends. he lead all of us to a real soccer.' Shinsuke said as the lightning junior stop and look at the raimon who is bending down on theirs knees to speak to tenma, while some others were talking to them.

'Tenma is earth hero.' Shindou said.

'Your hero or your Trouble maker?' Nater exclaim and smirk. Shindou and tsurugi stood up and said at the same time.

'Ohh! Yeah!! NO ONE UPSET TENMA IN FRONT OF US!!!!' The Raimon head back the field and get into position the tea is getting stronger than the first half which made the opponent shock of how much the word of Tenma change them in just a moment.

(Continue the Match)

Shindou passed the ball to Hikaru. Hikaru rush with such speed and got pass Hasuji and Tenola. He passes the ball to nishiki he dribble pass Kunamita and Epasino.

Then he passes back to Shindou, shidnou dribble up with kurama behind him. He got pass Sentila and senpana came trying to steal the ball but Shindou dodges his slide.

He pass the ball to kurama and nodded at him, kurama understand that and dribble up. Four defenders came running towards him, he form his hissatsu Technique Side Winder!! His shot blew passes the defender including Nater as tsurugi caught the ball.

Tsurugi Shoots with his hissatsu Technique and tie Raimon scores. After then they continue Nater is really angry. he did his best but he failed. They did the same but this times everyone head up except for the goalkeeper.

They ran like they were marking the opponent but once they got the ball, they pass it right away before the opponent that they marking gots it. The pass got to Shindou and tsurugi run up along him. They make their combo shoots Joker Rain!! which made them have the leading scores.

The Final whistle blows as raimon wins to 3-2. Lightning couldn't get a chance to touch the ball, since the game continue. Raimon sees tenma very happy and decide to go with tenma. When they arrive the doctor made a little check up and allow him to get out of hospital. Tsurugi ask the doctor if he can bring his brother with him. Doctor didn't refused.

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