An invitation

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Nobody POV
The Raimon was practicing at the field when Aoi and Akane came running. They came exhaustedly, when shinsuke and Midori came to them.

'Are you two alright? What's that in your hand Aoi?' Shinsuke ask. She handed the note to Shindou as he read it out loud.

Dear Raimon Junior high,
  I coach of lightning Junior high soccer club, Sidokas. I'm the legendary dragon academy. I wishes that we come have a match together, on your field three days more. I'll tell you my team members as soon as you accept my deal.

Good luck Raimon,

It make everyone froze a moment. Then endou and haruna walk up. They stood still while Shindou face endou and said

'Kantokun, you know Sidokas? The lightning Junior high School soccer club coach.' Haruna and endou froze a moment.

'Nani!? He's are next opponent coach.' Haruna said in depressed. They all take a seat and endou talk about the dragon academy member.

The dragon academy member are
1. Pianca - Captain, Defender
2. Piana - Defender
3. Ponia - Defender
4. Ina - Midfielder
5. Niso - Forward
6. Lusaka - Defender
7. Lilana - Forward
8. Erna - Midfielder
9. Lukos - Midfielder
10. Sidokas - Forward
11. Packer - Goal keeper

'Sidokas is Dragon academy Forward. He use to bring the victory to the team, but without Pianca orders he won't be able to shoot any strong shoot to break through the goalkeeper. He came from lightning Junior high and transfer to Flora Junior high. '

Shindou and the others widened and thought that they will lose no matter what they did or tried.
Then Endou told them 'if you want to fight it's up to you, but if you doesn't right back saying you won't accept it. It's for the best for you and what you promise to tenma. Don't forget that.'

Endou left all of them on the field. He called haruna to, so that they could work something out. They disappear away, but they were hiding behind the bench on the field, while no one noticed them.

'We promised tenma, that we will bring a trophy to him. But what is going on right now? Are we betraying tenma's hope for us? I don't understand why?' Shindou said as tear falls from his eyes. Kirino comforted him

'Shindou, let do this. We fight and did what we promise to that soccer freak alright?' Shindou smile back and nodded. He wrote back.

Dear lightning Junior high,
  I Raimon captain, Shindou will accept your challenge. It will be held in the next three days. Will be waiting.
Hope this is going to be the best match ever.

Sincerely yours,
Raimon Junior high.

Tsurugi read the letter that Shindou wrote and they discuss for a while and agree with what he writing. He send the letter to Sidokas and waited for response. While they waited they were practicing outside, tsurugi and Shindou were working on their offense and hissatsu technique. They manage to perfect their hissatsu technique in three days.

After the match, they all head home. Tsurugi and Shindou including Kirino were walking home when tsurugi said bye and heading the others.

'Where you going tsurugi?' Shindou ask. He replied back as he kept walking.

'I got to meet my little captain and take care of my brother. See you tomorrow then.'

'Yeah!! Bye!' Shindou and Kirino replied at the same time and continue walking.

Tsurugi arrive at the hospital and headed to see tenma.

'Tenma, how are you? Sorry I was being late to talk to you, to keep you company, but I am here right now. You know lightning Junior high ask us to fight but at first the other was depressed and kept on saying that they can't win. But when they remember the promise they kept with you. They cheer up and practice hard today. Three days more is our match.' He said as he put a soccer ball that he brought with him near tenma bed.

'Tenma, lend us your strength, you hope then that's when we could win. Tenma only 6 more days to go for you to wake up. I will be right here with you until you wake up. Tenma! I love you!! You little soccer freak.' He said and say good night then good bye to tenma and left the room.

(At lightning Junior high)
They readied the note they Shindou sent them. They agree and trained hard. Sidokas made an evil smile.

'Huh Raimon, we'll crush you down, like a dirt was being step on. Good luck.' He made an evil laugh and announced the news to the team. They trained hard to win.

How will Raimon need up? Will they win or lose? Could they proceed the promise they made?
Let's find out.

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