A terrible day for Raimon?!

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Shindou POV
Everyone seem to be energetic after the day tenma was in coma. Then next day the spirit change, everyone was weak and tired also lazy. I wonder what got into them. Talking about practice, they all slowed down from yesterday and so as tsurugi as well. Usually his shot were really powerful but today his shot missed the goal once.

Tsurugi POV
I felt bad about tenma in coma. I wish I got to tell him that I wanted to be his body guard, his protector, and his supporter as well. Tenma I hope you feel as i do. Hope you wake up soon and wake the spirit of Raimon once again. Tenma do you see the team right now. They not energetic like they used to be when you were here helping up their spirit. Tenma, we need you.

Nobody POV
It's break time after practice Aki came by with sasuke. She call us and we look at her. Endou smile and ask.
'Ohh Aki what brought you here today? You usually never came.' Aki smile and she came down stair letting off sasuke leash and replied looking at the exhausted and tired kids.

'Well tenma use to say that these great team loved onigiri. So I decide to make it for you guys to be more energetic so that tenma could be happy. Well by the way I left tenma at the hospital because the nurse are in their healing his burn. He is better now so continue his spirit.' They all were shocked to heard onigiri well Aki put them down but when she said that she wasn't doing it alone they paused for a while so as endou.

'What do you mean, you didn't do it alone?' Shinsuke ask. Then Aki smile as two person behind her all this whole time showed up.

'Well, Aoi-chan, Sakura-San and morimura-San came by my place and help me with it. They all brought the whole galaxy team as well. They want to visit their captain. So that's why?' The whole team came out.

'Yoo, Shindou how the captain role of yours doing? Oiii! Why are the team is in such a mess?' Ibulki ask. Shindou smile with his eye close then look up and replied 'yeah! I'm a bad captain. Anyway how the goalkeeper role doing.' He just stood their thinking.

'Yo, Mina! Why don't we play soccer! It's been so long that I haven't played soccer.' Matatagi exclaim as the other nodded. Then they all agreed and go to their position. The Raimon lose by 2 - 3 they all felt bad but they were still enjoying. Tsurugi and Shindou stay late with the other to the hospital to see tenma.

The whole galaxy including tsurugi and Shindou felt very bad about tenma. But they couldn't do anything because it has already happen so they just stood their talking of what they been doing this whole day. Tenma was just sleeping their with a moved or even a smile.

Sakura and morimura cried hugging each other. Matatagi and tetsukado when close to tenma bad and just stared at his burn on his hand. Matatagi said 'captain, it's must been really painful right?' He had tears streaming down his face. Tetsukado patted his back 'hey it's alright, even though you cried but we can't change anything.' Matatagi just stood their crying.

About two or three minutes later they all head home. Aki and tsurugi was staying at the hospital. Aki is accompanying tenma, and tsurugi was accompanying his brother.

Mina this part is going to be short because you know is what the story about.

The next few chapter is be interesting.

Thanks for reading my story.

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