The match between Raimon and Lightning (part 1)

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Nobody POV
'Mina, today is the match day. Before 3:00 let's do some training what do you say.' Endou kantokun ask them 'YES SIR!!'

'Let start this again! Do you wanna win 'YEAH!!' Do you want to win 'YEAH!!!' Ikuso Mina 'HAII!!' Yosh!! '

They practice and practice. After than haruna came with Aki and sasuke. In their hands they were each holding one lunch box in each hand hold a three step big lunch box.

They had a water break eating onigiri and some healthy drinks that haruna and Aki made. It's was delicious.

They continue practicing and practicing they won't stop. Finally at two, they had a bath from practicing, and headed for the field waiting. Aki and Aoi head back to the hospital.

At 3:00pm the lightning Junior high arrive. After than Raimon won't forget what the deal they made. They brought a trophy that they won just yesterday.

'Raimon Junior high, remember the deal, I remember what we made an offer. Get to position, 'HAII!!' They all head to their position.

The match start, with Raimon kickoff. Tsurugi kept the ball in position, he pass to Hikaru who take replace of tenma as a forward. He pass Hasuji and Tenola. Then he pass to Shindou, sentila made a marvelous slide and steal the ball from Shindou. He pass to Hasuji, Hasuji pass Raimon defenders and head straight for the goal.

He make a shoot shouted Flying Marble!! The ball turn into a marble and fly with such speed and score a goal.
Sangoku couldn't stop it because it's was already in when he pull his hissatsu technique out.

GOALl!!! 0-1

'What's was with that shot?' Kariya exclaim with worried in it.

'I don't know but we can't afford to lose either, ikazo Mina!' Shindou order. They all raised their fist up and shouted YEAH!!!

'Huh! Their hoping that they'll win. Dream on.' Nater exclaim. He smirk and head back to his position. Before the match start he look at the coach. Trainer Lusaka ordered him 'bring them down.' Nater nodded.

Raimon got the kickoff. The match started, Senpana steal the ball and pass to Tenola, Hikaru and Nishiki came running but Tenola smirk and kick the ball hardly the hit Nishiki and Hikaru at once. They were down, the others tried to steal the ball but they got hit and fell on their knees, they can't get up anymore.

Shindou, tsurugi and shinsuke was the only one who were standing. Shindou steal the ball pass the defenders including nater, he pass it to tsurugi, tsurugi make a shoot and scored a goal. Raimon tied with lightning but right now none of Raimon could stand up anymore.

Mayor throw the ball, and make a marvelous pass from taming to Tenola. Tsurugi came running to get the ball, but he got hit by Tenola shoots. Shindou screamed 'TSURUGII!!' He try's to steal the ball, but Tenola won't let him have it.
Tenola pass to Nater, nater pass to Kunamita Shindou came and tries to steal again but failed as he got hit by Kunamita shot.

Kunamita pass to Epasino, he passes to Hasuji, Hasuji pass to Sepana and Senpana made a shoot Lightning Strike.
Shinsuke brought out his avatar and tries to block it but he failed because it was too powerful.

Goal!!! 1-2

(At the hospital)

'Tenma the team their falling, tenma. Tenma, wake up, tenma!' Aoi shouted. She was helding tenma hand tight to hers. Then she felt the fingers were moving, she woke up and saw that tenma is responding to her.

'Aki-San, tenma, tenma he's awake. He look energetic as well.' Aki ran up to the bed. She was so happy then tenma ask her

'Aki, Aoi take me to the field. Please. Please.' Tenma begged as his voice started to get stronger and stronger. Aki and Aoi nodded.

They help him down and on the wheel chair as well. Tenma was been push through the way. Tenma was really wanted to see that his friends are not heard.

(Back at the field)
Shindou got on his knees but struggling to stand. He started to have tears as he look at his falling friends.

'Tenma! Sorry I couldn't make our promise for you, gomenasai tenma!' Tears fall off his cheeks.

Then he and team heard a voice that replied to Shindou words

'I don't want the promise. All I wanted is you all, Mina.' They all turn even the one who were still on the ground.

Gomenasai Mina, sorry I didn't update but don't worry I'll got it over as soon as I had time.

This chapter and the next is a battle or lightning and Raimon. Hope you enjoy!!

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