Two weeks?! Seriously!?

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Tsurugi POV
It was 6:00 in the morning when I woke up inside my brothers hospital room. He was still sleeping. I walk outside and decide to go and see tenma. But when I got their I heard the sound that I shouldn't be hearing. The heart machines when 'beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.' It was surely slow. I ran in and saw that his heart rate as just 39 beats. I call his personal doctor and nurse. They pull him out of the room, but before they left I heard the nurse said

'doctor, his heart is really slow. It might have cause from the accidents or from the burning. When I was checking his x-Ray some of his bone were burn and including his heart as well. The burn was mostly on the leg and the heart. But for his face and hand nothing could be to dangerous. The next room boy got burn from the inside head to the bottom. He died yesterday.' Doctor replied. 'Alright take him to the surgery room. I'll be right there and prepared everything.' 'Hai!'

She called the other two nurse and they help her pulled tenma out of his room. I called Aki and Shindou. They said that, well Aki is at her house and Shindou was with the others at practice. They were already hurrying here.

Nobody POV
(At the surgery room)
Aki and the others meet up in the hall way and decide to come together. They ran up and saw that tsurugi and Yuuichi including Taiyou were waiting outside the surgery room. Aki called them they turn

'You're here?' Tsurugi ask. They nodded, Aki wondered what happen and ask. Tsurugi was the ones who's knows what happen so he tell. They were all so worried they can't still. They all sit and stood then walk around in a circle, some were knocking their heads on the walls. Tsurugi were sitting their with his head laying down on his brother laps. Taiyou were kicking the ball back and forth.

After a few minutes later the doctor came out. Endou and the other rush to him asking

'Doctor is he alright? What happen to him?' Doctor look kind of sad and happy. The doctor replied

'Well I've got good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear about?' The all go with the good one first.

'Well he's okay and now the nurse is cleaning the burn's up he will be okay soon and for the bad news is that his lungs seem to have a little problem but we've fixed up as well. I may not predict when he will be waking up but maybe two weeks.' They all scream 'TWO WEEKSSS!!!!' Then shinsuke approach

'But doctor our next match will be the next few days more. Tenma will not be able to see it.' Doctor kneel down and put his both hand on shinsuke shoulders

'Sorry but it what best for him! If you want to see your friend be able to play soccer again then win and bring the trophy for him to see when he woke up okay!' Shinsuke smile and nodded. Then others look at shinsuke then each other then nodded as well.

Tenma was been push out of the surgery room. Tenma look pale and skinny, but his burn was getting better than before. They all look happy, they decide to push tenma back to his hospital room. They all were just staring at tenma then say good bye. The next morning they all look great. Talking about tsurugi he was just looking at the sky.

'Tenma, two weeks for me is long but being with you taking care of you for two weeks is short. Wake up soon, and when you wake up we will show you a trophy that was meant to fight for you. Tenma, you soccer freak!' Tsurugi thoughts to him self.

Gomenasai Mina!! Sorry for not updating
Thanks to
Jo freak for reading my story I'll try but still I'm stuck with my studying.

When I finish some of my works I'll have time to update faster.

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