Addy's Lullaby Chapter 27

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I woke up in a dark room, god did my head hurt. I felt my forehead and it felt like it was bleeding. I opened and closed my eyes a few times before I realized that there was a flickering light behind me. I turned around slowly and saw a candle sitting beside a door. "Where the fuck am I?" I don't really remember much. I just remembered me running where Ashton and I had our last fight and I blacked out. Did I hit a tree branch? Impossible, there weren't any trees where I was running. What could I have gotten hit by? I got up slowly but finally and walked up to the huge metal door. I tried turning the knob but it was locked. "Justin?! If you're playing some sick prank it really isn't funny anymore!" No answer. "Hellooo? Asshole? Let me out of here!" But it wasn't Justin. Or Gloria. Jason was definitely gone. I ruled only one person out. Ashton... I thought. Oh no... Oh god no, please don't let it be that pig. I heard the metal lock start creaking so I ran to the far corner of the room. The door opened and at first all I saw was a bunch of bright light. Then his face came into view. He smiled slowly and walked about a step a minute to where I was sitting. I winced, for once I was terrified. He put his hand on my face and moved it smooth across. He then squatted right in front of me and moved the hair out of my face. I turned and looked the other way but he pulled my face back into his view and smiled big. His smile made me fear for what I was holding left inside. I didn't have my knife, or anything at all. I was vulnerable. I was like a scared deer with the lion about to strike. But that, that's when he spoke, "Ah, hello Addy. Miss me babydoll?"

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