Addy's Lullaby Chapter 13

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I thought to ignore it, thinking that it was just my mind playing tricks on me. Especially since I hadn't had much sleep. I sleepily got out of bed to get some water to sooth my parched throat. When I was walking down the stairs I thought I heard my little sister crying but I went by her door and there wasn't a sound coming from inside. I shrugged and kept my walk to the kitchen. When I got there I grabbed a glass from the cubboard and got some water from the faucet. I drank the water and got some more, walking back up to my room. I opened my door and I smelt that metallic smell again and I waved my hand in the air. Gross, I thought. What is that awful smell. I heard the bump in my closet again and this time I got nervous. I slowly walked over to my closet and smelt the metallic smell a lot closer now. I grabbed the handle and twisted it slowly. I told myself not to open the door, revealing what horror might be inside but I of course ignored myself and did it anyway. I looked inside and screamed. "What happened to you guys?!" I saw my sister and brother all cut up in the locked closet. Wh-what happened while I was gone? I thought to myself.

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