Chapter 10: Walking and Weird Moments

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Laura's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I get out from under the covers and drag myself to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After I did that, I picked out an outfit and took a shower. I walked downstairs and saw mom making waffles and Vanessa eating some.

"Hey mom, Vanessa!", I say breaking the silence.

"Hi Laura!", they say in unison.

"So Laura... Ross is going to be at school today. Are you planning on talking to him about the kiss?", Vanessa says loud enough, so that mom can hear her all the way from the kitchen. Mom's eyes light up.

"Kiss?!", she says, clearly trying to stop herself from fangirling.

"Yeah, yeah. So Ross and I kissed last night, not a big deal.", I say, like it's the most casual thing in the world.

"My baby girl finally got her first kiss! Sweetie, this is HUGE! I knew all of that 'wedding planning' me and Stormie have been doing for the past 2 years would pay off!", she says jumping up and down and squealing like a dramatic teenage girl. I roll my eyes.

Vanessa looks at me, trying to hold back laughter. I can see why she would do this. Our mom is squealing and jumping up and down just because her youngest daughter got her first kiss.

Me and Vanessa stare at her bluntly. Then, she suddenly stopped squealing and jumping, realizing that we were still there. Me and Vanessa keep staring at her trying our very best to hold back the laughter that was begging us to let it out.

"Oh, go ahead", mom says, while sighing. Then, me and Vanessa lose it. We burst out into laughter. It's kinda hard not to laugh when your mother starts acting like a 5 year old, who found out her parents are going to take her to the candy store. When we finally quite down, I see that mom put my breakfast on the table.

"So, are you going to talk to Ross about it?", mom asks.

"I don't know. Honestly, I think we both need more time to think about this."

"Well that's good sweetie, don't rush yourself", mom says, reassuring me.

Ross' P.O.V

I got my backpack and headed out the door.

"Bye sweetie! And remember to talk to Laura... when you're ready!", mom yells from the kitchen. "Okay, I will when I'm ready! Bye mom!", I yell back.

I started walking to school. I always walk to school... with Laura. I stopped at her house. Should I go knock on her door and get her? No, that'd be too weird for us. Should I go alone? But wouldn't it be rude if I did that?

I finally decided to go alone. I think we both need some time alone right now. When I got there, I went straight to my locker. Oh, shoot! I forgot that Laura's locker is right next to mine. I see her walking towards her locker while looking at the floor. I quickly get my books from my locker. But, I know that I can't ignore her. Even if I wanted to, we have all of our classes together. Once she reaches her locker, she starts opening it and takes her books out. She see's me and we just look at each other for seconds that seemed like hours. She smiles nervously and I smile back the same way.

"Hi....", I say breaking the silence. "Hey....", she says back. "So.....", I say, not sure of what to say next.

Just then, my other best friend, Ryan (Mccartan), comes up to me and practically saves my life from what could have been the third most weirdest moment in my life. The first being when Rocky tricked me into jumping into the pool naked, while we (me, Rocky, Riker, Ratliff, Ryland, Rydel, Laura, Vanessa, Dove, Ryan and all of our parents) were all hanging out and having our own little pool party. Imagine that. Actually on second thought, don't. But Laura was there and I was naked! Luckily, we were only 6 years old. That was embarrassing. The second weirdest thing was mine and Laura's kiss. Normally, best friends don't go around randomly kissing each other. And by normally, I mean never! But, It was good... like REALLY good.

"Hey Ross! How was you're weekend!", He says. Then he looks at Laura. "Oh, hi Laura! By any chance do you know if Dove is back yet...", he asks her. He has had the biggest crush on Dove.

Laura's P.O.V

"Yeah, she came back yesterday", I say. Dove has had the biggest crush on him! I think he likes her back too, but I'm not sure. "Well Bye!", I say, quickly closing my locker and walking in the opposite direction.

PHEW! That was close! Thank god Ryan suddenly showed up.

I start walking to my first class when I accidentally bump into someone. When I see who it is I give them one of my, what Ross calls, million dollar smiles. Why am I thinking about him again? Well, I know we kissed and all but I need to focus on other things too!

I tackle her in a hug. "Oh my god! Dove, how are you?! How was your trip?! I haven't seen you in like forever!"My BFF (my other BFF besides Vanessa, Rydel and Ro- never mind) is back! We pull away from the hug and start walking to class while talking

"I'm great! My trip was amazing! I missed you so much! Now, enough with the questions. What happened between you and Ross?!", she says squealing just like my mom did this morning when I told her about the kiss. And, were back on that topic again. I know I have to answer it. Me, Dove, Ryan, and Ross have all of our classes together. I mentioned him again, didn't I?

"Well, here it goes. We were sitting at the piano alone and we just suddenly leaned in and we kissed. Apparently, Rydel set the whole thing up. Anyway, he is an amazing kisser! Remind me to thank Rydel...", I say. It wasn't the most detailed explanation, but the bell could ring any second. I realize we were right outside our first class now. Which, by the way, is math.

"OMG! You guys would make an adorable couple! I'm so glad you liked it! Are you guys a couple and if not have you talked to him yet?!", she says. "Honestly, I don't know if we are a couple or not. I haven't talked to him yet but I will when I'm ready. I think we both need sometime to think about it.",I say. She nods in agreement.

Just as we are about to enter the classroom, I bump into someone. I fall on the floor. Who ever that is has a very muscular body. "I'm so sorry!", the person say apologetically. "It's okay", I say back. Wait... I could recognize that voice anywhere. I look up to see the person I least wanted to. Ross...

Hi! I am so so so so sorry for the long wait! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I don't have a QOTC for this chapter but if you have any questions for me then just let me know! And they don't even have to be raura related (but of coarse they can be)! Anyway, I'm going to have one of those things where you predict what happens in the next chapter out of the choices and comment it below! And there can be more than one correct answer! I will give you a shout out if your prediction is correct! Here is the one for today-


Pencil: If you think that they are going to talk it out

Eraser: If you think that someone (or something) interrupts them

Sharpener: If you think that they just ignore each other

Also let me know what you think of this chapter or the overall book so far! And thank you so much for 21 followers! You guys are literately the best! Bye! Love you all!

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