Chapter 4: Photos and Fangirling

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Hey! So I decided not to update weekly but to start updating as soon as I finish a chapter which means a few times a week. So I will update more often. Also thank you so much to everyone who voted or liked this! I am glad you are enjoying it and also I read all of your comments so far and they were all positive so thank you, thank you, thank you so much! You guys mean everything to me! Anyway so here is chapter 4. Enjoy!

No one's P.O.V

12:30 am

It was a beautiful night, the full moon was out, the stars were shining, Ross and Laura were asleep on the couch together... wait.

Ellen and Damiano walked in to find Ross and Laura asleep on the couch together.

"Awww", Ellen whispered. Damiano looked at her and smiled.

"Remember when we were like that", he whispered. They both knew they had nothing to worry about because Ross and Laura were only 13 and yes they knew what 'sleeping together' meant but both were responsible and mature kids. 

"It's too late to wake Ross up right now and plus look at how cute they look", Ellen said.

"Yeah maybe he could just spend the night", her husband added on. She nodded.

"And they both like each other so maybe they will end up together after tonight", Ellen whispered back.

"They would make a cute couple but I didn't know they liked each other", he said while smiling.

"They do. I am gonna call Stormie, she must be worried sick about her son", Ellen said as she took her phone out and went to the kitchen to call.

*On the phone*

Ellen: Hi Stormie

Stormie: ELLEN! I am so glad you called. I have know idea where Ross is and it is past midnight! What am I gonna do and where is Ross?!

Ellen: Don't worry Ross is at my house. Him and Laura must have fallen asleep from watching a movie or something. They look so cute I just didn't have the heart to wake them up. Can Ross sleep here tonight?

Stormie: Oh thank god! Yeah Ross can sleep there just send him over tomorrow with Laura when she comes over to write some new songs! Oh and by the way make sure you take pictures of Ross and Laura so we can show it to them in 10 years when they decide to get married!

Ellen:Oh I sure hope so. I mean we have been planing their wedding for 2 years now ever since they starting developing feelings for each other! Also I will send him over tomorrow so don't worry about it! 

Stormie: Well I will talk to you later...ohh and don't forget the pictures

Ellen: I won't. Bye.

*End of call*

Ellen went back into the living room. 

"I am going to go to bed", Damiano said walking upstairs. "You should too."

"I will but first I am going to get a few pictures of the happy and hopefully soon-to-be couple", Ellen said. Damiano chuckled.

"Alright goodnight", he said.

"Goodnight, see you in a few", she said.

She took her phone out and started to take a bunch of photos.


Laura's P.O.V

I woke up and looked around. I wasn't in my room. 

I turned to see Ross beside me. 

'Oh no we didn't!' I thought to myself before quickly removing the cover to check. 

Phew! We were both fully dressed. 

Then then the last thing I remember is me sobbing into Ross' chest. It all makes since now! We probably fell asleep. 

But I do wonder what it would feel like to have 'it' with Ross- not that I would want to... but not that I wouldn't. At least not at this age.

Ross wakes up and looks around. His eyes widen as he sees me. He probably realized that we fell asleep watching the movie, because he starts to calm down.

"Hey", he said.

"Hi", I said back.

Vanessa came out from the kitchen. She looked at us and smiled-or should I say smirked.

"Morning guys. I see you two are awake. Did you sleep well last night?", Vanessa said still smirking. I see where she was going with this. I glared at her.

"Anyway, Ross since you slept over, your mom brought over some clothes so if you want to go take a shower and then have breakfast", she said.

"Yeah sure", Ross said and without another word he left to take a shower.

We watched him walk upstairs until we couldn't see him anymore.

Vanessa still happened to have that smirk on her face. Man I wanted to slap it right off her. I knew where this conversation was heading and I know it includes Ross.

"So spill it Laur, what happened in between you and Ross last night?"

I know it was short but the next chapter will be up soon. Maybe..possibly tomorrow. I don't know but we'll see. And also look forward to a kiss in one of the next few chapters! And since it is the weekend I might be updating more!

Love you!!!

A Kiss to Remember *Raura*Where stories live. Discover now