Chapter 11: Dances and Disappointments

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Ross' P.O.V

I just bumped into Laura. What do I say? What do I do? Should I talk to her? But then it would be weird. But I can't ignore her forever. We have every class together.

"Hi...", she breaks the silence. "Hey...", I say. We aren't making eye contact or even looking at each other. I can see her with the corner of my eye, and she's is staring at the floor. I see her tilt her head to look at me. I do the same. She sighs. 

"Okay, I know this is just as awkward for me as it is for you. Maybe we should just talk it over...?", she says making it sound more like a question than a statement. I nod. "So... we kissed", I say slightly blushing, hoping she wouldn't notice. 

"What are-" the bell cuts her off. 


UGH! I was so close to talking it out with her! Stupid school bells!

We both make our way into the classroom without finishing our conversation. We took our seats, which-might I add- were right next to each other. We don't just have every class together, but we sit next to each other in every class. I looked at Ryan and saw him smirking at me. He probably saw me and Laura talking.

I somehow make it through math (my 1st class). I also make it through my next 3 classes which were science, gym, and english (language arts). Next was lunch. Now I had to talk to Laura. We always sit together, along with Ryan and Dove.

I see her and I start walking up to her. Something catches my eye at the bulletin board. I stop to see what it is. It was a flyer for the 8th grade dance. They have one every year for 8th graders since it's their last year in middle school. That's it! I could ask Laura to the dance! Am I a genius or what! I read what it says.

Apparently, this years theme was glow in the dark. I couldn't wait to ask her out to the dance! But, what if the kiss didn't mean anything to her? What if she just wanted to be friends? I doubt it. I don't think she would say no.

I go to the lunch line, purchase my lunch, and go to our table. I see Laura along with Ryan and Dove sitting there. Laura turns around and see's me. She gives me a shy smile, and I return it. I go to sit down with them and see that the only open spot is next to Laura. I decide to take the chance and go to sit down.

As I'm walking towards the table, Britney comes up to me. Ugh! I hate her! She's so flirtatious and... well... a slut. I know a lot of unlucky guys that have fallen under her trap and decided to ask her out. She is the 3rd most prettiest girl at school. The second being Dove. The first being Laura. And this isn't just my opinion. You could go up to any guy in school and ask them who the prettiest girl was, and I'd guarantee that they'd say Laura. Anyway, back to Britney. She's always chasing me and trying to get me to ask her out. I absolutely hate it! Now, if it was Laura, it would be a whole other story. But Britney is gross! She hates Laura because she thinks me and Laura are a thing.

"Hey Rossy",she winks at me.

Laura's P.O.V

I just saw the flyer for the dance. Is it bad that I'm hoping Ross asks me to the dance? Me, Dove, and Ryan were talking about it.

"So... Dove... will you go to the dance with me", Ryan says. I can tell Dove is trying to stop herself from doing her happy dance. "YES!!!..... I mean yes.", she says. I smirk at her. Ryan chuckles. YAY! My best friend finally got asked out by the man of her dreams. I hope that happens to me. Speaking of which, where is Ross? I just saw him a minute ago.

"Hey Laura, where's Ross", Ryan asks me. "I don't know, but I just saw him a minute ago. I'll go look for him.", I get up and start roaming around the cafeteria. I don't see him anywhere. Weird. I walk out of the cafeteria to see if he is in the hallway. 

I hear his voice. I hear a second voice. A girls voice. It sounded like... BRITNEY! I hate her and she hates me. She thinks me and Ross are a couple but she wants to be with him. I start to follow the voice to see what was going on until I hear laughing. I stop, trying to see what they were talking about and who the laughing was coming from. It was Ross. And Britney. And it wasn't an evil laugh. It was kinda flirtatious. I get closer. I can see and hear them clearly now. But they can't see me. They could if they tried, but they were to busy "flirting". UGH!

"So... the dance...", I hear Ross say. I know what's going to happen next. He was asking Britney to the dance! Why!? I don't bother to wait for him to say more.

"How could you?!", I yell at Ross. He turns around, surprised to see me. "Laura?!", he says. I run down the hall as fast as I can and I hear someone chasing me. I know it's Ross. I quickly run into the girls bathroom. I text Dove to meet me here. She texts back a simple okay and I impatiently wait for her.

Dove's P.O.V

I walk to the girls bathroom and see Ross waiting outside. He looks worried. I wonder why. I'm about to find out.

"Hey Ross! We were looking for you during lunch. Laura texted me to meet her in the girls bathroom . Do you know why?", I ask. "I think so. Laura overheard me and Britney talking. That might be why." I can see why. Laura hates Britney. I nod and I am about to walk in when Ross stops me. "And can you ask her to talk to me please!", Ross asks me. I nod again. I walk in and see Laura, who looks like she is about to cry.

How'd you like it? And I'm not doing the 'shout out if you get the comment thing right' any more. I will still do the comment thing though. 


Dog- if you think they talk it out

Cat- if you think Laura stays mad at Ross

Puppy- if you think Ross really did ask out Britney

Kitten- if you think Laura forgives Ross

Remember, there can be more than one right answer. Anyway, why do you think Britney and Ross were laughing? Comment it down below. Also, feel free to give me feedback. 


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