love | guren

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Guren Ichinose loves you, and he considers that as a fact, although he couldn't quite state a reason as to why he loves you. Was it the way your (hair color) tresses felt in the spaces between his fingers? The way you told him about the things you adore with an excited gleam in your (eye color) eyes? The warm feeling you always give him whenever you're at a close proximity? He didn't know.


"You don't need a reason to love someone. You just do. And sometimes, that's enough," You had once said.

"But everything in the world has a reason, right?"

You chuckled quietly and replied, "Well, love is already unreasonable, to begin with."

"Yeah, if I was in my right mind, I would not fall in love with a psycho like you," Guren said smugly.

Twirling a piece of your hair around your finger, you smirked at him. "Is that another way of saying that I make you crazy?"

The male exhaled in defeat. "Guilty as charged."

Giggling, you stood on the tips of your toes and wrapped your arms around his neck. You smiled lazily at him and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"Guren, I love you."

"(name), I love you, too."


But all of that was buried in time and long forgotten. Years later, he had decided to lock it away --to lock love away. He had learned that you were right --that love, was indeed, unreasonable. In a cruel and wicked world he lives in now, something as irrational as love did not have the right to exist amongst the chaos, the war and the bloodshed.

The Lieutenant General had acquired that kind of mindset and through the years, it became a mantra.

Love is irrational. Love is useless. Love leads to more suffering and hardship.

Love is painful.


"You mean if I come with you guys, you'll leave everyone unscathed?" You narrowed your eyes at the man in front of you, whose hair was as white as snow.

"Yes, darling. Even your boyfriend gets to live. All you have to do is come with us!" He replied with a faux angelic ring to his voice.

"How am I so sure that I could trust your word?"

The vampire sighed. He unsheathed his sword from its scabbard and swiftly slashed the blade across the skin of his pale wrist, a red liquid trickling from the wound, and landing on the ground.

"I, Ferid Bathory, swear not to harm a hair on these kids' pretty little heads, if, and only if, (full name) comes with us. If I were to ever break this blood oath, may the ground beneath my feet open up and consume me alive," He said with utmost confidence as he sheathed his sword.

Guren could only sit and watch as you contemplate about giving yourself up to the vampires. Bound with chains on his wrists and ankles and a gag in his mouth, he was as helpless as a newborn child. His throat was burning from all the things he wanted to shout. He wanted to tell you to stop, to not even consider going with them, to not leave him all alone.

But he knew better than to interrupt a negotiation between a human and a vampire, especially if its for the sake of a nation.

His face was stoic as you took Ferid's hand, signalling that you had agreed to go with them, with those monsters. His mind was blank when the nobles accompanying Ferid freed him from his shackles and removed the gag in his mouth. His heart went numb when you stared at him with tears brimming in your eyes.

You mouthed "I love you" to him, but he looked away.


Yes, love is painful, especially if it gets forcibly torn away from you.

Guren was already aware that pain would accompany the con which you had called "love", but he still couldn't pinpoint why he let you turn him so vulnerable. You came into his life like a hurricane and devastated him like no other.

But, now, with your blood covering his sword, your lifeless body getting reduced to ashes on the ground, Guren felt no remorse, whatsoever. He had managed to kill you with a slash to the jugular and a stab to the heart. You were no longer the girl he loved. You were a vampire that killed out of bloodlust. You were far too gone to be saved.

Guren Ichinose loves you, but he could simply not sit still and watch as you transformed into the monster you have become.


Yo yo yo. This piece is also posted in my deviantart, and i tweaked it a bit here c: also, im in the middle of writing the inu!kimizuki x neko!reader x inu!yoichi request and another chapter in which i plan on telling yall about how reader-chan turned into a vampire and all the shit she's gone through (i specifically made this for a female reader). basically a spin-off chapter for this one.

anyways, im NOT taking any reqs at the moment!

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