hang in there | crowley

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[Fireman AU]
(a/n: requested by @xxsunnyday (=゚ω゚)ノ +++ i filed this under "crack fics" bc this literally is just me trying to be funny and failing in the process. also heads up for kid!krul, fat cat!mika, fireman!crowley and fireman!ferid)


You were carrying a bag of groceries when you saw a little girl with peculiar pink hair crying her eyes out. Being the good person that you were, you had decided to approach aforementioned little girl, and asked what was the matter.

"M-My cat's stuck in the tree!" She stuck a finger upward, pointing at the tree in front of her. If it were even possible, her sobs escalated about five decibels louder.

You craned your head upwards, and immediately saw the blond tabby that looked like it lived off ten cans of cat food a day. Unlike its owner, it seemed pretty lax about being up on that tree.

With a sigh, you lead the girl to sit next to you on a nearby bench. "Where're your parents?" You inquired calmly, while rubbing her back.

She sniffled. "Th-they're at home. I chased after Mika because he tried to run away. I got lost, and then Mika climbed up the tree and won't come down!"

You ran a hand through your hair before sighing, again. Since you already stuck your nose up this little kid's business, there was no turning back now. So, you pulled out your phone and dialled the Fire Department's hotline.


"Crowley-kuuuuun," Ferid's annoying voice rang in the brunette's ears like an alarm clock.

Crowley rubbed his eyes as he stifled a yawn. Since he was rudely roused from an afternoon nap, his eyebrows were knitted in annoyance. What had Ferid wanted this time?

"What is it?" He turned his scarlet gaze to his white-haired companion, that stood in front of the couch that Crowley was comfortably lounging on.

"Code Neko, Crowley-kun," He replied as a soft grin kissed his lips.

Crowley only took one of the decorative throw pillows and smothered his own face with it. "Couldn't you have gotten Lacus instead of me?"

"Today's Lacus-kun's day off, stupid."

"I'm on a day off, too."

"Ha, nice try. You've used up all the day offs you had for the month. Now get off your lazy ass before I fire you."

With a groan, Crowley propped himself on the couch, before stifling another yawn. He glared at Ferid from where he was sitting.

"And put on some clothes. I get that you're 'hot' and 'attractive', as you proclaim, but we have a uniform. You can go in the black undershirt though. Also, brush your teeth. Your breath smells like raw sewage. And by the way—"

"Yeah, mom," Crowley sneered sarcastically, as he shrugged on his tight, black, long-sleeved undershirt that he haphazardly  threw on the floor before he took his nap. Then, he stood up to stretch out his limbs.

"Your hair's a mess!" Ferid nearly shrieked at the sight of Crowley's waist-length, brunet strands. His hair wasn't bound with a braid, and was tangled in more ways than one.

Crowley narrowed his eyes. "I don't want to hear that from you! Your hair's just as long as mine, asshole. And c'mon. Don't we have a job or somethin'?"

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