god | ferid

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Ferid Bathory was never one to spare a second look towards a human being, for they served no other purpose than to supply the vampire race with blood. Humans weren't worthy of his attention if it isn't to rob them off their vital fluids. But today, that philosophy of his came crashing to the ground.

It all started when Ferid was walking —no, trudging— across the battlefield. His side ached from where he was stabbed by a pesky little soldier that he just happened to finish off only a few moments ago. Rather ticked off, he simply wanted to go back to his quarters in the cold and quiet vampire city to sleep away his fatigue. He'd let the other Progenitors handle the war they waged on the humans.

But, at the corner of his eye, something —rather, someone— caught his attention. She wasn't exactly eye-catching, for she blended in with all the corpses that littered the surrounding area, but Ferid knew that girl wasn't dead just yet. As he made his way towards the unsuspecting female, there was a nagging voice at the back of his head asking him what the hell he wished to accomplish by approaching a human girl.

The battle between human soldiers and the vampires is being held in the remnants of Shinjuku's Main Street, but in the vicinity from which Ferid is standing, only he and the girl were still breathing. She was lying on her back on the cracked sidewalk, and Ferid crouched down to study her injuries. Two puncture wounds that were obviously done by a vampire were gaping on her neck, and blood trickled out. Also, there were three slashes on her stomach that tore through her white shirt that was dyed with blood.

Next, the snowy-haired vampire took the leisure to examine her bodily features. Her skin was a bit flushed from being fed on, and her (h/c) locks clung to her forehead as a sheens of sweat beaded her face. Her eyes were shut and her lips were parted as she steadily breathed, slowly bleeding her life out through those slashes across her stomach.

Ferid squinted at the dying girl. There was something rather familiar about this person, which made him approach her in the first place, but he couldn't pinpoint what. So, he slowly closed in on her for a better look, as he brushed away a strand of her hair with a gloved hand. But, as if on cue, the girl's eyes shot open. Up close, he could see the glint of surprise that shone in her (e/c) irises.

"W-Who are you?" her voice trembled.

Ferid couldn't help but smirk at her vulnerability. "I'm a vampire, little girl. Do I get to have the pleasure of knowing your name?"

She sat upright, but the strain it had on her body was evident through the agonized look on her face. "Why.. should I tell you... my name?" she asked through uneven breaths.

The vampire dared to caress the human girl's face with a gloved hand as a sadistic grin tugged at his lips. "It's because you're dying, kitten. And I'm the only one who can save you."

She shot him a look, as she placed a hand on her stomach. "I'm alright with dying, vampire."

"Ah, but it's once in a blue moon whenever I decide to be generous. You shouldn't really turn down someone that's only trying to help you."

"I told you, Ferid, I accept death with welcome arms."

Oh, he'd make her change her mind. For centuries, Ferid had grown to excel in manipulating others, and he knows the ins and outs now. He knows that if he wants someone to bend his will, all he had to do was target their desires, ambitions, and worldly addictions, and that's exactly what he's doing to this little girl right now.

"Won't your lover be dismayed?" He said, and this seemed to catch her attention. Her gaze shot back to the man with the red eyes and the pointed teeth. How would such a creature like him know that....

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