bodyguard | yūichirō

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[Shingeki no Kyojin AU]

"Yū, slow down!"

"I'm already slow, but you're so damn weak you can't keep up!" The raven-haired boy whipped his head back to stick his tongue at you before continuing to leap from tree to tree.

You cursed violently and landed on one of the thicker tree branches to adjust the straps of your 3D Maneuver Gear. Your comrade, Yū was still hopping about in the forest and he wasn't even bothering on doing it stealthily either. This would very much get both of you killed.

Currently, both of you are outside the walls, the only structure that separated the humans from the titans, and are off duty; meaning you two aren't supposed to be out of the walls.

The sound of a sword tearing through flesh made your ears perk up. Had Yū found a titan already?

Hastily, you began to leap towards the direction where you could hear a titan crashing to the ground. When you reached a clearing in the forest, you found a titan, probably a 7-meter class, lifeless on the leaf-carpeted ground. Yū was on the forest floor, as well, grinning with pride as he examined his handiwork.

You sighed and leaned on the trunk of the tree you were standing on. "Is your bloodlust temporarily sated? This 'I'll kill all the titans!' nonsense is getting out of whack, Yū. Sneaking out to hunt for them even when we're off duty would get us both into big trouble!"

Yū wiped the blood that caked his sword on his green Survey Corps cloak. He raised his head to lock gazes with you. "I didn't ask you to come along, (name)."

Your cheeks reddened. "W-Well, Mika asked me to look after you since we're in the same squad. He'd kill me if you'd die alone outside the walls."

"I don't need a bodyguard," Yū remarked as he rolled his eyes, and sheathed his sword. He began stalking off in the opposite direction from you, deeper in the forest.

"Hey! Aren't you happy that someone still cares about your well-being? What an ungrateful scum of the Earth, you are, Yūichirō Hyakuya!" You yelled loudly.

There was a pang in your chest when he ignored you.

"Stupid Yū," You mumbled as you began to get ready to leap to the ground to follow your raven-haired companion.

But the sensation of something breathing behind you made you freeze in your tracks. You didn't have to turn around to know it was a titan currently preying on you. Slowly, you unsheathed your blades and began to carefully turn around to face your opponent.

The titan was a 15-meter class, almost twice the size the one Yū had finished off only a few minutes ago. It was grinning like mad as it regarded you with hungry eyes. And since it was breathing from its mouth, you could smell the stench of its breath. Who knows how many humans this one has consumed so far. Also, there were things stuck in its crooked teeth. The thought of human entrails getting stuck in a titan's teeth made you queasy.

Carefully, you devised your plan. One, swiftly jump on its shoulder, to give you more leeway to the back of its neck; two, avoid getting bitten or eaten; three, slash the back of its neck. Easy peasy.

But that certainly was not so when the titan grabbed you with its gargantuan hands and held you like an action figure. You shrieked in horror and struggled to break out of the titan's iron grip.

Slowly, the titan tilted its head back and held you only a few feet above its mouth. You kicked and screamed but its hold on you was just so damn tight.

But then, the titan's maniacal smile disappeared as blood spurted from the back of its neck. Its grip on your body loosened as it began to collapse to the ground. You screamed again, in fear of falling to your death.

But the next thing you knew, you were leaping through the trees once again, not on your own feet, but in the arms of your good-for-nothing comrade, Yū. The wind messed up his inky hair and his green eyes gleamed in joy of killing another titan.

"Your screaming was so damn loud," He began, not tearing away his gaze from the trees in front of him. "I wonder if you'd be like that in bed."

Crimson erupted in your cheeks once again and you smacked his chest. "Now is not the time for innuendoes!"

Yū laughed cheekily as he landed on the ground when you were at a safe distance from the second titan he'd killed.

He set you down on your feet and you faced away from him, cheeks still burning with embarrassment.

"Hey, remember when I said I don't need a bodyguard?"

"Yeah, why?" You mumbled.

Suddenly, you felt his arms snaking around you from behind as he pulled you against his built chest. You felt him bury his face in your hair as he snuggled closer to you.

"You know why I don't need a bodyguard?"


He turned you around so you were facing him. He leaned closer to your face, so close that your lips were practically touching! His mischievous emerald eyes gazed at you with a teasing playfulness. When you thought he'd give you a kiss on your lips, you felt his own lips press against your right cheek. He pulled away and flashed you a lopsided grin.

"It's because I'm your bodyguard, (name)."


Yooo!! I finally worked on the Yū one shot! Whoever requested this, i'm so sorry for the long wait. I kind had trouble on what plot line to use with Yu's debut in this book. so i decided to look him up in the wiki. i checked his personality and stated there is that he's a narrow-minded person that only wants to kill all vampires. upon reading that, he reminded me of Eren from snk and hey why not make a oneshot where Yu is Eren and the reader is the potential love interest?

And man i even thought out the cast already. like, Guren can be Levi; Shinya can be Erwin; Mika could be Mikasa; Yoichi could be Armin and Kimizuki could be Jean.

Anywho, I hope y'all enjoyed this as much as i did. (⌒▽⌒)

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