tension | mikaela

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[Psycho Pass AU]
(a/n: requested by the lovely @RockinGreekNerd)

The higher ups within the Sibyl System were unjust, you concluded. Not only did they assign you one of the most annoying Enforcers there is, but they constantly plopped a ton of paperwork on your plate whenever you weren't in the field with said Enforcer. The workload was so severe, you had to resort to another few hours of godforsaken overtime.

Since Ginoza's demotion, the frequency of you having to go with overtime had tripled, since you were practically one of the few competent employees that can flawlessly handle all the documents that were previously handed to the ex-Inspector. When you were offered the job, you didn't mind, since it was just paperwork, but what you didn't know is that it would pile up mountains of stacks on your desk.

With a sigh, you tidied the file of some criminal named Orihara, and placed it in the pile you had dubbed as "Possible Notorious Assholes" because his Crime Coefficient had reached 250 already. But, he'd be coming to work in the Public Safety Bureau as another one of those pesky Enforcers by next week.

You glanced at the clock on the wall, which said 23:47. Then, you flicked your gaze to what remains of the stacks of files of possible Enforcers on your desk. You had certainly worked through more than half of what you had to begin with, but it'll take an hour or three to finish the rest. With a sigh, you got up from your swiveling seat to stretch out your limbs, the satisfying crunch of cartilage ringing in your ears.

You scanned the rest of the room, out of instinct. The lights were dimmed, since it was really after hours, now, but there were some Inspectors that had the sad fate of having to work overtime sulking away in their respective cubicles.

You shrugged off your Inspector's jacket and hung it on your seat. Might as well get some coffee.

"I thought you might need this."

You whipped your head around, only to be greeted by your oh-so supportive partner, Mika. He wore a white, long-sleeved button-up, with a loose red tie. And he was also donned with an annoying, shit-eating grin. Though, conveniently, he had two cups of steaming coffee in hand.

"Thanks," you said, as you were about to grab one of the coffees in his hands, until he stepped backward so you couldn't get what you wanted.

"I said I thought you might need some caffeine. I didn't say I'd give you some." The condescending tone that accompanied his words made you want to tear his throat out.

"Asshole," you muttered under your breath before taking a seat once again in your swiveling chair.

Mika had chosen to sit in the unoccupied cubicle next to yours, as he stared intently while you worked. You then flicked your gaze momentarily to the blond Enforcer. Not that you would tell him, since it would add fuel to his already burning ego, but Mika was definitely a fine young man. His golden locks were tousled in an attractively disheveled manner, and his eyes of cerulean were drooping ever so slightly. He was probably sleepy.

"Why are you here, by the way?" You inquired.

He took a sip from one of the cups. "Isn't it customary for an Enforcer to always be with his assigned Inspector at all times?"

You sneered at him. "Don't feign innocence, you nuisance. You never stay this late, even if I do because all you ever wanna do in life is to sleep, and eat, and annoy people."

The tone, which you had used, made Mika stare at you, surprised. You had froze with the realization that what you had said sounded rather rude. When you thought Mika would get up and walk away, he only laughed and handed you the other cup of coffee. "Yup. You need this more than I do."

You rolled your eyes, before going back to work.


"Hey, it's like 3 in the morning. Come on. You gotta get some sleep too, y'know," sighed Mika before he stifled yet another yawn.

Your eyes were already tearing up from the many times you've yawned, yourself, and you can feel your eyelids getting heavier by the minute. You desperately wanted to crawl into your bed and snuggle yourself underneath a cozy comforter. Only three more files to go, and you'd be able to achieve gratification.

"Three mo-o-ahhre," you replied as you yawned again.

You two were the only ones left in the room, since the other employees were lucky enough to not be bestowed with as much as work as you. You told Mika to go home a few hours ago, but he refused to leave his Inspector alone in the office building at this ungodly hour. With the coffee running out hours ago, and Mika being too lazy to buy some more, you had no more means of struggling to stay awake.

Mika chuckled before carding his fingers through his hair, and rubbing his eyes. You could see him through your peripheral vision, and damn did he look adorable.

"You know, I know of a way to rouse you from your drowsiness." His voice was as quiet as a whisper.

You side-eyed him. "Why are you whispering?" you asked, whispering as well.

"Never mind that," Mika continued whispering, as well.

"But really, is it necessary to whisper?" You whispered back.

"Okay, fine. I'm not whispering," Mika declared with his normal volume of voice, as he huffed.

"I'm kidding. Now what was that way of keeping me awake again?" You ask, while you place the third-to-the-last file into the "Possible Notorious Assholes" pile.

There was a thick silence for a moment. You furrowed your eyebrows and turned to Mika. "Hey, I'm wai—"

But you were momentarily cut off when you felt the Enforcer's lips moving against your own.

Heat began creeping up on your cheeks and your eyes widened. But Mika showed no signs of stopping. Hell, he even pulled you to his lap without breaking the kiss!

OhGodOhGodOhGodOhGod. Mika is kissing me. This attractive fucker is kissing me.

You placed your legs on either side of his hips, before fully succumbing to the passionate lip-lock. You tangle your fingers with his silken locks, and tug on them ever so slightly, causing a groan to bubble in his throat. Trying a bit more of a bold approach, your tongue prodded his lips for entry, and he gladly gave it to you.

Now, it was a disgustingly messy kiss, but it felt like heaven. You didn't ever want to stop kissing this boy, but when you felt something hard against your thigh, you froze and pulled away.

You glanced at Mika whose shirt collar was rumpled, tie even more loose, hair even more tousled, and cheeks just as red as yours probably were.

"So that's why you stayed behind," you mumbled before getting off him, and returning to your seat to do the last two files.

Mika only chuckled before leaning in so close that you could feel his hot breath on your ear. "Baby, the tension between us is going to boil over, so don't think we're gonna stop at making out."

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