Chapter 69

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Authors Note!
Hey guys! Oh my god it's been a long time since I've updated! I know I said their would be a a lot of updates over summer but that never happened and I'm sorry. This year so far has been really hard because I played volleyball and I'm in honors language arts and my teacher loves to give us a ton of homework. Anyway, I'll hopefully update once a month! Ok I hope you like this chapter...

Tris's pov
"We're going to be late!" My mom says rushing me.

"Mom it's Black Friday. The sales will still be there even if we're a little late." I reply.

My mom is obsessed with waking up at 4:30am on Black Friday. When I was little I loved it but now I don't even know what my name is when I wake up this early.

"CALEB WAKE UP!" I hear my mom yell.

"Mom! Not so loud, you'll make me deaf!" I say back.

Caleb walks out of his room not wearing pants and his hair is a mess.

"Why aren't you ready?" Mom asks.

"Huh?" Caleb replies.

"It's Black Friday. And we need to leave now!"

"But I don't want to shop and deal with moms high on caffeine at 4:30 in the morning!" Caleb whines back.

"Fine. It'll just be me and your sister."

"Ok." Caleb says as he goes back to his room.

"Mom, if Caleb can get out of this, can I?" I ask.

"No no no." She says as she walks out to the car.

"Ughhhhhhhh." I say almost missing the last step on the steps to the garage.

"Oh I know you love it! And you need to get over Four. It's been three weeks and you haven't laughed or seemed happy since you two broke up."

Did she have to bring up Tobias at 4:30 in the morning?

Once she starts to drive I close my eyes and think about the night we broke up.

It was a Saturday night. Cold and a great night for watching Netflix and eating pizza all night. But that's not what we were doing.

"I can't believe you would do that to me!" I yell at Tobias.

"I'm sorry. I feel terrible for what I did." He says back in a very calm tone of voice.

"You know what we're over." I say holding back the tears.

Tobias doesn't say anything he just has a look of shock on his face.

I open the front door and he leaves. As soon as I close the door I fall to my knees sobbing.

I can't wrap my head around the fact that he cheated on me with Lynn.

"Tris." My mom says shaking me out of my trance.

"What." I say shooing her hand away.

"We're at the mall."

I get out of the car and put on my "I'm ok and brace face" .

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