Chapter 14

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Authors note!!

What's up? I'm sorry to say this but I might not update tomorrow night because I have to study for three tests! One of them is Spanish so I have to do extra studying.😞 But I'm happy that tomorrow is Thursday! It's almost the weekend!! Okay chapter time!

Tobias pov

" Okay. question 1. What are your hobbies?" I ask.

" Volleyball, reading, texting and going to starbucks!"

" Wait you like to read?" I ask.

" Ya! Living one life just isn't enough."

Wow she's perfect!

" Question 2. What's your favorite..."

We get interrupted by my phone ringing. I pull out my iPhone and see who it is. Crap! It's my girlfriend Lauren!! Tris and I are sitting right next to each other and she sees the contact name. " Girlfriend😘💗"

" You have a girl friend!" Tris says angrily.

" Ya." I say

" So you think it's a good idea to cheat on your girlfriend with another girl!"

Now she's standing up with a stern face.

" Look I don't even like her! I like no I love you!" I say with actual feeling.

" Like I'm supposed to believe that crap!"

That's it were through.

" Get our of my house and never talk to me again!" Tris says in a hushed tone. Trying to cover up her shaky voice.

" I'm sorry!"

" No your not! If you did like me you wouldn't be a player!"

With that I'm gone. I leave her house. Crap! Tris gave me a ride to her house. Ugh it looks like it's about to rain. I decide to run to the nearest Starbucks and call Uriah for a ride home. As I'm running I start to think about how stupid I am to cheat on Tris. She doesn't deserve all of this! I just met her. We went from being worst enemies to friends to boyfriend and girlfriend and now back to enemies. Tris probably won't even talk to me ever again! I should of waited to break up with Lauren and date Tris. I really did love Tris. No I still do love her. I'll love her forever!

* All Rights Reserved to Veronica Roth*

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