Chapter 10

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Authors note!!

I MADE THE VOLLEYBALL TEAM!!I Sorry I didn't update yesterday. My family and I went out to eat and then my sister and I watched Supernatural until like 9. Plus I'm sick with a stupid cold.😷😷😤 Sorry for the long authors note! Okay chapter time!

Tris pov

**** IN CAR STILL****

Four leans over and gives my hug. I don't know how to describe it but I feel numb all over just be his touch.

Before I can even speak he pulls my chin up to his face. I can feel his breath against my nose. Four leans in and kisses me on the lips! Sparks fly in body I crave more but before I know it he pulls away. I wonder if he felt like a firework was bursting inside him too.

" Tris. Will you be my girlfriend?"

" Yes!"

" How are we going to tell the gang?" I ask.

" I don't know. Oh wait what if we just act like the way we were before all of this." Four says.

" What do you mean?"

" I mean not like enemies but like friends."

" Oh okay!"

" Let's see how long it takes them to notice!" Fours says with a grin.

" Your so smart Four!" I say.

" Okay you can call me Tobias now that we are a couple."

" K. I forgot that, that was your real name."

" Haha!"

" Okay we're here!" I say

" But we're not at my house!"

" I know I'm to lazy to drive you to your house plus I'm hungry!" I say.

" Ya me too!"

We get out of the car, and walk into my house. Tobias grabs my hand and we walk to the door. Sparks fly every time he touches me!

* All Rights Reserved to Veronica Roth*

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