12 : Missed our little talks

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Aye . MAGDA IS BACK xx muahahah <3

Hey babys . omg i have 3 K reads here and 20,6 K on little things . omg <3 :') 

As you know i have exams and i didn't have a lot of time to write but here i am with chappie 12 <3 

It took me some hours to write cus i kinda forgot how to write <3 

Hpe you like it <3

Omg and the big announcement ( too late xD ) STADIUM TOUR OMG <3 proud 

Loook at Ni in the gif →→→→→→


Niall's POV

Days were passing really fast from when I came back from France . All I was doing was avoiding everyone , not accepting that I lost the love of my life . Three weeks .Three really hard weeks for me . I lost my appetite completely , just like when she left me some months ago , I am always tired and I look like I am about to pass out . My skin is pale , I have bags under my bloodshot and tired or crying eyes , my hair are dry and I am sure that someone who would see me for the first time would think that I take drugs .

I sat in the kitchen and placed a bowl of cereal in front of me . I tried to take a bite but I couldn't swallow it . I took a deep breath and stood up from the chair . I walked to my messy living room . Usually I am not that guy that leaves his house so untidy but I am too sad to even pick up my clothes from everywhere in the house .

I grabbed my phone and sat on the couch in the room . I unlocked the screen and ignored all the messages from everyone and deleted them . I dialed the only person I had spoken for these few weeks on the phone . My mum . She was always there for me and she was helping me a lot . I pressed call and waited about 5 seconds before she picked it up .

“ Hello baby . “ she greeted me.

“Hey mom . “ I simply said.

“How are you today ? Have you eaten something ? Have you talked to anyone but me ? “ she started asking . I took a deep breath . I hadn't said to her that I barely eat but I did tell her that I don't speak to anyone . The boys had come to my place few times but I was just staring at them not doing anything . I guess now they got really fed up by my attitude so they are not visiting me . I kinda miss them here.

“I am better I guess . Yes I had a bowl of cereal few minutes ago and nope I haven't spoke to anyone . They kinda stopped coming here but they tried to call me , text me and things like that . I just deleted all the messages and ignored the phone calls . I just need more time. “ I uttered .

“Niall honey , honestly now . It's been 3 weeks from when everything happened . Don't you think it's time for you to move on ? “she stated . “I know you loved her . She was a lovely girl and I know she really loved you . She meant so much to you and Harry . But Niall you can't be like that all your life . You are way to young to waste it because of what happened to Annabelle . I am sure she wouldn't want you to be like that now . She would want you to be happy and live your life . “ she said and for the first time from some days I smiled .

“I guess you are right mom . I loved her but I have to live with her not being around . Thank you for finally making me realize it mom . “

“You're welcome honey . You know I am always there for you . Now I have to go . I am sorry . Good bye Niall . And don't forget to tell the boys that we miss them here . “ she responded .

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