3 : What was that for ?

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Thank you guys AGAIN  for reading Little Things xx 

in one fucking week i got like 500 read and now i have 5.000+  READS 




Niall's POV

I heard a silent almost inaudible voice in the room . I slowly opened my eyes . Ellie was talking to someone on the phone still in Harry's arms .

Get your arms off her Harry cause I swear I will hurt you . I know she is your best friend and we are not even together anymore but I don't think sleeping like that is emm I don't know . You look like a couple .

Why im even jealous . She is not my girlfriend . By the way . Who is she talking to ? I heard carefully what was she talking about .

“Don't worry . Gosh I won't be late . I am going to be there in some minutes . “ she whispered and then there was silence all over the room again . I guess the other person is talking .

“Nope I hadn't said them yet . They are staying here for some days and then they are like free so emm I have time . I just forgot . “

Tell us what ? Who is she talking to ?

“Alright I will be there in some minutes don't start without me . See you there. “ she said and after some seconds she giggled.

“Yeah I love you too baby .” she relied and ended the phone call .

Is she talking to a boy ? Maybe she has someone else now . She hadn't mention something like that . Maybe that's what she wanted to tell us ? Who knows .

I heard her standing up , With the corner of my eye I saw she went to the kitchen .

decided to wake up to and scare her a little . I carefully stood up so I would not wake the others and I tip toed to the kitchen . She was sitting writing something down .











“BOOOOO “ I said and she started screaming and she turned around and slapped me .

“What was that for ? “ I said rubbing on the cheek she just slapped .

“Ohh Niall I'm so sorry . You just scared me to death . “ she said and I started laughing .

“It's ok . Next time I will be like some meters behind you so you wont slap me again . You should have seen your face when you were screaming . “ I said and she punched my arms playfully.

“You gave me a fucking heart attack Horan . I will pay back one day . “ she smiled .

“I'm so scared . “ I faked a scared face.

“You should be . Emm .. I have to go . I was about to write a note before you know you wanted to kill me . I need to go . “ she said and smiled .

“Ohh.. Alright . I will tell the others . “ I replied and faked a smile . I didn't want her to leave .

“See you Niall . “ she kissed my cheek and I blushed . Wait I blushed ?? No no no Niall just fucking forget about your feelings towards her . .She walks out of the kitchen and I hear the door get slapped .

Shit I can't hide that I still have feelings for her . I just can't .

Who was see talking earlier . I still remember the words : I love you too baby . Was that a new boyfriend . Wait Niall don't even think about her .

You are just friends .

Friend zone is ok .

No its not ok when you love the other person .

Why I had to fall so hard for her.

Why ?

Ellie's POV

“Sorry that I'm late . Traffic . “ I smiled to Amber.

“It's ok love. Anything interesting that you missed. “ she said .

“So how was your night with the boys ? “

“You asked that earlier Miss Alzheimer . I think I should get you to the doctor . You are forgetting things girl . You are getting old . “i said.

“ Really funny you know. “ she said sarcastically.

“You know im just kidding . So the night as I said earlier was really good . Maybe a little bit awkward but it was a great fun . I have missed them so much . And after we stopped talking Niall scared me to death and I kinda slapped him . “ I said and she started laughing.

“What ? “ I asked.

“I wanted to see it . You really slapped him ? “ I nodded. She giggled and gave me some papers to fill in .

Anonymous' POV

I was surfing on the Internet while eating breakfast when something caught my eyes . An article on Sugarscape about Niall Horan . I opened it .

Who was this mysterious girl ? Is she Niall's girlfriend ? Or someone from the past ?

Yesterday Niall Horan , a member of the famous boy band One Direction , while singing one of their hits , Little Things , he was caught looking at a girl in the crowd who after that was got by a security man backstage . We don't know who she is . Here it is a no- HD picture of that girl . We will keep you update if we will learn more about the girl's ID .

Like always boring shit . Can't they just write something interesting and nice ? Like one of the boys went to the hospital because of cancer or something like that . I'm tired of hearing about their new girls . But this girl seems really familiar . I know her from somewhere . I just can't see her face so clearly .

Ellie's POV

“Do they want us to die from boredom ? This shit is so fucking boring . “ Amber complaint .

“I know Amb . But we have to finish it so we will return home . “ I said and smiled to her.

“Maybe we should like emm turn on the music so it won't be so boring and tiring . “ she suggested.

“Yeah why not . “ I said and turned on the radio next to me.

And It's been a while but I still feel the same

Maybe I should let you go

You know I'll fight my corner

And that tonight I'll call ya “ ( It kinda emm describes emm Niall's feelings for Ellie and the opposite xD ) 

“Edward fucking Sheeran is playing .Gosh . Are you trying to kill me ?” I said and started singing loudly to the song and Amber joined me .

After 30 minutes we finished the work and we went back home .

* i know its kinda short .. i guess .. idk when i was writing it it was 3 pages . never minds .

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Next chapter in one week ( maybe ) 

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