15 : Just a horrible friend

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Always read A\N xx

[A/N i was not late to update just tomorrow something was wrong with Wattpad [again] and it would not post the chapter xx Hope you will like it xx First Ellie's POV after a huge break


If i will have more than 10 votes i will update earlier if not you will have to wait and i guarantee that the next chapter will be cool and drama is coming [ again xD ]

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Ellie's POV [ finally woohoo ]

''Let me go grab my keys and we can go .'' Niall said and smiled to me. Today I was going to see Amber . No one had tell her I was back so I guess she will be surprised. In the morning I texted Louis to call her to make sure she will be at home . From what everyone had told me Louis and her got really close . They are not dating yet but they are getting to know each other better and better and I am sure one day we will see them holding hands and be happy with each other.

I knew from the beginning that they will be close and one day maybe date . He is her type of man and she is his . I really wanted to ask Amber if she had developed any feeling for our sassy man . One reason I was going to see her . The second one was that I had missed her as hell . 6 months of seeing each other everyday and now I hadn't seen her like a month or even more . And the third reason I was going there was that Niall gave her Garfield , so someone responsible and able to take care of 'our' ginger cat , would take care of it . The part I don't understand is why Niall couldn't look after it . For so many months he could pet him but after he laft France he couldn't ?Strange .Maybe he was really sad I left again ? Nahh.. I don't think so .He probably just didn't want to look at our cat because of memories . I am sure he doesn't even see me like that now . I am only a good friend for him .

''Ok we can go.'' his angelic Irish accent interrupted me from my thought . I bite my lower lip and turned to the front door .As a good gentleman Niall opened the car's door for me .I smiled shyly and walked into his black car . He jogged to his seat and turned on the machine .I looked at him and remembered last night .

We slept together. Not in that way . We slept together just cuddled in each others body . His soft breath near my head and his heartbeat were like a lullaby for a little child , when it couldn't sleep , sang by his mom , in a soft and calm voice , which was making her child falling into a peaceful sleep really quick . This was a different kind of lullaby but it was working the same . Niall's body was like the mom and I was like the little kid. He helped me fall asleep, as before he got to his room all I could think was him and I couldn't sleep because of it .When I heard his loud scream I hoped he would come to sleep next to me. I hoped he would need a cuddly body . I heard his talking with Harry over the phone asking where we were and something about a bad dream . Then the silence filled the dark room until I heard footsteps getting closer and closer to the room . I knew he was coming . I smiled to myself and pretended to be asleep .

''What are you thinking of Ellie ? ''

''Um.. what ? ''I asked confused as he interrupted me from my daydreaming . He giggled and looked at me for a second as he was driving .

''You were just so silent and you were looking out of the window .'' he uttered .

''Ohh it's nothing . So I heard you screaming last night .What was the dream of Niall ? You were screaming like you were being tortured . '' he took a deep breath and exhaled .

''It was...in the dream A.. he was back . He escaped from prison and he killed you all . I saw him killing Harry . It was so realistic . Then I kinda blacked out in the dream and then I was in my bedroom . You were there too but something about you , was different . You were a marionette , robot I am not even sure what you were in that dream but you were sure not a human being . Harry was that thing too . And then .. Then I was A . I wanted to kill him for what he did to everyone but he shouted me . Then I woke up screaming . I was sweaty and my heart was beating really fast . For a moment I thought that it was real because you both were not in my living room so I called Harry .Thanks God it was just a dream . ''

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