Chapter 2

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Aradale High School.
The regular high school of Aradale Town. Ima be honest, and tell you right away that real life high school isn't any 'High School Musical'. Countless amount of people get disappointed once they start actual high school, when they finally get to high school and it's nothing like High School Musical. Myself included, I was so disappointed, my mother started laughing at me once I told her this.
Apparently, 'High School Musical' was fictional. At first I still refused to believe, I mean cmon I've been dreaming about high school ever since High School Musical came out because I thought all high schools were like that. You could imagine a massively disappointed 15 year old.

Aradale High School was like any other typical high school. Everything was 'categorized'. I honestly don't know how that happened, but it happened. There were jocks, cheerleaders, sweethearts, and Aaron Mathews. He's the ultimate bad boy of Aradale. Getting into fights, going to every party, getting drunk, and may I also add- he's a player. I've never seen him with just one girl for over a week. Or even 4 days. I don't even know. He always has some new girl, making out in the hallways, smoldering over each other, sometimes even under my freakin locker.

I find it funny we have the same last name. I don't know why, but I just do. I mean, I have the same last name as the most popular and sexy boy in the entire school, or maybe even town. That outta get some laughs, huh huh?

Even though we have the same last name, we are absolutely nothing alike.
I was the sweetheart of Aradale High School. I was friends with pretty much everyone, even though I say so myself I was pretty well known, and I got good grades in all my subjects and electives, and I was completely different from Aaron. He had this mysterious vibe to him, whereas I was always talking and being happy.

Aaron and I barely talked. I remember the one time we talked, it was only that he asked me my name. After that I tried talking to him, because I thought I could be his friend or something. Well, wrong thought. He was only friends with his own little group. They were all bad boys, of course. They were always up to something.

Coming back to the present time, as I drove through the school gates, all eyes were on me. After I parked, I found my group of close friends, who I always hang out with, come gather around. "Isn't he a sweetheart?" I smirk, patting my car. In return, I got grins and smirks. We enter the school hallways, and beside my locker I find Aaron waiting. Ummmm did I do something?? I didn't do anything! I haven't even talked to him ever since he asked me my name and then completely ignored me.

I give my friends a weird look, and they return one back. "You got this?" Lexy asks. I nod towards my group, "but if I die, guys, I want you all to know I love you and I really don't mean all the insults I say to you" I fake scare. They all laugh and i just give them a flat look. I walk slow, really slowly, to my locker, keeping my eyes on Aaron. "Hi?" it came out more like a question. In response, he nods, but then keeps his eyes on me. "So um are you waiting for somebody?" I ask. "Yea" his voice though, damn, "I was waiting for you" he says really casually, as if it's a regular thing he does. "Me? Why? Did you need something?" I ask curiously. "Yea. I want you to tutor me in algebra." I swear i would've screamed if I hadn't bit my lip. I'm just so surprised, haha no, shocked.

The bad boy of Aradale, who I've never spoken to more than once, wants me to tutor him. "Um, I don't think it's a good idea..." -"and why not?" he interrupts. "Becaaaaauuseee" I stretched it out "we barely know each other, and we've talked only one time in our lifetime. I think you should get help from someone you know" I say as politely as I can. "Just tell me if you'll help or not" he says stiffly.
I take a breath, "fine". Did I just agree to tutor The Aaron Mathews? I need a mental checkup.

"Your place at 5."
I nod. "5 seems good. My address is-" "I know" he interrupts. "" I fade because he starts walking away. What did I get myself into..


"Why do you seem so distracted?" Aliyah asks, lightly smacking my arm. "Nothing, it's just.." I get lost again. "What happened?" There I go, "Welllllllll, I kinda agreed to tutor Aaron Mathews" I say in a quiet voice. She gawks at me. "Aaron Mathews? As in the Aaron Mathews?!" "Yes, Aliyah. That's the Aaron Mathews I'm talking about" I roll my eyes at her. "How'd this even happen? You've talked only like, once." So I told her everything from the start. "Oh so that's why he was by your locker!" I roll my eyes again. This seems like the 20th time I rolled my eyes at her in the last 15 minutes. "Well, good luck with whatever, Jordan" she says supportively. "Thanks Aliyah" I smile at her.

The rest of the day went by pretty quick. By the end of the day I had even forgotten about the tutoring Aaron thing. But then I saw Aaron waiting by my car, and I started sweating. "Hey again" I say, forcing a smile. "Wanna go together?" Umm, okay, so first he asks me to tutor him, and now he's asking to go home together. "I'm not leaving my car behind, and I'm not letting you drive my baby." I had to stick up for my baby! He shrugs, "We'll just take your car, I'll leave my bike, and you can drive." Was he seriously willing to leave his motorcycle behind? I would've died! "Sure then, what's your address? I'll drop you o-", he interrupts with "Just drive to your house." I stare him, "Uh, okay then. Hop in." We both get in and I start driving towards my home. I don't know why he would tell me to go to my house, I mean doesn't he want me to drop him off? Also did I forget to mention all the stares and glares I was getting from all the girls, even some boys. Well it is surprising that Aaron Mathews and I would be talking. We never communicated like that before. We two were just always in our own ways, we were both in our own worlds. Personally even I was shocked to see him being the first one to talk. I don't know what turn my life is taking now..but I'll find out soon.

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