Chapter 9

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I whip my head around so fast I'm scared I might've snapped it. But nonetheless, I'm okay, and by okay I mean What the heck is Aaron Mathews doing in my bedroom? RIGHT AFTER HE KISSED ME.

"What the hell?" I exclaim. "What are you doing here? This is my room for gods sake! And just because your room is right next to mine doesn't mean you can use my window as your entrance and exit! And you have the courage to stand here, in my room, after you kissed me and left? You didn't even go to your house! What the hell are you up to Mr Aaron Mathews?!" Well then.

He raises his hands up in surrender. "Just came here because you were alone for the night..but if you want me to leave, okay then.."

"That's all you heard amongst everything I said?" Did he not hear "kiss me and left" in my rant? He's supposed to say something about it!

"Yes" he rolls his eyes. "Princess I'm gonna be worried about you the whole night. Nobody's home and you're gonna be alone. Let me stay."

What am I? A child? And did he just call me princess?

I shoot him a glare.
"Get out."


Boy was I furious. He can't just kiss me and leave. Then come back to "watch over me", pretending like nothing happened.

Pain flashed across his eyes. "Okay I'm going" he says quietly.

Crap now I feel bad. But my ego wasn't gonna let me say sorry to him so I let it go. I watch him climb over to his window and turn off the lights in his room. He opens his room door and go somewhere. I hear his motorcycle roar to life and he zooms off somewhere I don't even know. Whatever, I needed to sleep.

I pick up a book to read and dim the lights in my room, just enough light needed to read. I find myself dozing off, put into a deep sleep.


*thump* What?
*thump thump* What was that? I sit right up, my eyes burning, clearly my sleep interrupted. But damn I was scared! I THINK THERES A BURGLAR IN THE HOUSE OMFG WHAT DO I DO IM GONNA GET KILLED AT SUCH A YOUNG AGE I BARELY TURNED 18 I STILL HAVEN-

My panic thoughts are interrupted by the thump noise again.

Now, a brave person would take anything weapon-like, and go downstairs to see what's happening. But I'm not that brave person, so there's no chance of me doing that.

I'm scared shitless out of my mind. Instead of doing the bravery act, I hide underneath my blanket and call up the first person that came to mind. Aaron.

He picks up on the third ring. "Are you okay?" is the first thing that comes out of his mouth. And weirdly? He genuinely sounds concerned.

"I-i.." I whisper, not able to form an entire sentence.
"Jordan, where are you? What's happening? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Is there someone in the house?"
"Aaron, I heard noises downstairs, I don't know if there's a person in the house but I did hear noise. Aaron I'm so scared. Please come home" I plead.

"I'll be there in two minutes. Don't come out of your blanket, I know it comforts you." How did he know that? That's something to ask another time.
"Please hurry" I barely whispered, my voice shaking.

I waited and waited. A minute seemed like an hour to me. I'm scared shitless right now. Where is he?

"Jordan" I hear someone whisper my name. I knew it was Aaron right away, and I knew he was right beside my bed.

I jump out of my blanket and immediately find myself clinging onto him for dear life. "Shh, shh, I'm here now. Nobody can hurt you, shh" he coped, soothingly rubbing my back.

"Thank god you're here" I break into tears and shove my head deeper into his chest.

"I'll see what's going on downstairs" he starts walking away, but there's no way in hell I would let him do that.

I grab his hand before he can leave, and pull him towards me. "No! Please don't. Just don't. Don't question me right now, just please don't go."

He seemed to understand what I'm trying to say. He makes me sit on my bed and sits next to me. I lay my head on his shoulder and he rubs my back with his free hand.

"Come lay," he lays me down but he's still sitting himself. "Lay next to me, please don't leave me tonight" I say quietly. He gives me a smile and locks my bedroom door and settles onto bed with me. We're in absolute cuddle position but well oh well.

I really appreciate what he did for me tonight. And not just that, but also laying next to me when I asked to.

I close my eyes to fall back into sleep, or else you'd have to face the wrath of cranky Jordan in the morning.

As I close my eyes, I feel Aaron's eyes on me. I open my eyes and meet his immediately. "Why're you looking at me like that?" I ask with curiosity lacing my voice.
"Because you're beautiful." I smile a big smile at him. "And also because I can hold today's incident over your head forever" with his infamous smirk, I find myself laughing. "Goodnight" I whisper. "Night Jordan."

Never would I ever, have thought that I would be laying on the same bed as Aaron Mathews. The Aaron Mathews. The bad boy of Aradale High School. Since when has my life become so unexpected?

But now I know what Aaron Mathews is really like. No matter how cocky or proud he is, he's the sweetest guy on the planet. For helping me out today obviously. And obviously I owe him. I need to do something for him. Something he would like. Just to return the favor he has done for me.

"It wasn't a favor, Princess. I was only helping you, you don't owe me anything" amusement clear in his voice.

Did I say all those things out loud?

Aaron's POV-

"Please come home" she whispers ever so delicately, but her voice still shaking. "I'll be there in two minutes. Don't come out of your blanket, I know it comforts you." I speak into my phone. Don't ask how I know that blankets comfort her, I just know.

I had to run to her house because my motorcycle wasn't starting and I couldn't waste a single second trying to figure out what was wrong with it. I start running, not stopping even once.

Is she okay? I won't let anything happen to her, oh god, no.

I decide not to use the front door because she had said the noise was coming from downstairs.

I climb over through her window and see her covered in her blanket. "Jordan" I whisper. She jumps out of her blanket and soon has her arms wrapped around me. I try to calm her down.

*fast forward to when they're laying on the bed together*

"It wasn't a favour, Princess. I was only helping you. You don't have to owe me anything." I feel her body go stiff. Ah she didn't even realise she was saying it out loud.

I chuckle lightly, "Jordan, it's ok. Go to sleep, I'll be here" she nods lightly. I kiss her forehead.

I think I'm falling for this girl.

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