Chapter 12

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I hear dogs.
Yes you heard me. The place Aaron brought me to with my eyes covered- I hear dogs.
Now let me rewind a bit.

"Okay we're here" Aaron announced as he gets off the car. I obviously have to sit there and wait for him to come get me from my seat, he's the one who covered my eyes. A second later, I feel my side of the door open and I reach out for Aaron's hand. Making sure I have a strong grip of it, I get out of the car and he is holding my right hand while his other arm is around my shoulders. "If I fall into a ditch I'm taking you along Mathews," just a warning. He chuckled. "Just keep on walking where I lead you, you'll be fine. Trust me." And I do.

"What was that?" I stiffen.
"Aaron, is that a dog?"
No response.
Woof. Woof. Woof.
Okay there's more than one dog.

"Aaron?" I panic. "You'll see" he murmurs.
All I was hearing is barks. Barking from all around. We finally stop at a spot and I feel Aaron go behind me and take off my blind.

I leap at the sight infront of me. Dogs everywhere! "AARON OHMYGOD WHAAT!" I shriek, pretty sure hurting Aaron's ears. I quickly give him a hug. No action from him, obviously he was shocked by my movement to move.

"Glad you liked it," he says.
Oh my god. I can't believe it. I am surrounded by dogs at the moment! I can't believe he gathered around about a dozen dogs in a park for me!

I start running to the dogs, petting them and playing with them. Soon enough, Aaron joins me.

And that is how we spend the rest of the night, but of course, all good times come to an end.
At 11:30, we decide to head back home.

"How'd you arrange this?" I just had to ask. "I made some phone calls, contacted an animal shelter, thought the dogs would have a good time too, and yeah, wasn't very hard," he smiled.
"Well along with the dogs, I had a wonderful time. And you actually put some thought into this, I appreciate it. A lot. As in a lot. Thank you, Aaron" I give him the most genuine smile.

Our ride back home was silent, and I quite liked him. By the time I'm home, I find myself dozing off to sleep.
I couldn't even wake up when Aaron was calling my name, saying we're home.

I felt myself being carried by someone, someone who I'm guessing is Aaron. My head is leaning against his chest, and I feel so comfortable in his arms. He gets me through my front door, hushing my mom before she could speak and wake me up, and gets me up to my room. He gently puts me down on my bed, and I find myself in full sleep mode.

Tonight was wonderful.


I walk through the gates of hell.
Okay, okay, -school. Now don't get me wrong, I don't hate school. I just hate the fact that it starts so early in the morning and that they give us so much homework and tests and quizzes and assessments and well you get the point. But yes I also do just hate it in general sometimes. Only sometimes though.

I was just about to bang my head against my locker when I hear a crowd chant "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!..." I instantly think of Aaron. Well he's the bad boy of the school, of course trouble means Aaron and Aaron means trouble.

I run over to where the fight was happening, or would start and suck in my breath when I see that it is in fact Aaron. Just when he was about to throw a punch at the other kid, Shawn I think, the principal shouts "break it up! break it up" getting a couple of 'boo's from the crowd. Really people?

I see Aaron had a busted lip and black eye and was being taken to the nurse. I quickly jot over to him, "Aaron." As soon as he notices me, panic rises in his eyes. "Let's just go to the nurse" I say quietly.

I'll bombard him with questions later.


"Just make sure to put some ice on the black eye, he's fine by the way" the nurse says, handing me a pack of ice. I toss Aaron the ice pack and he merely missed it but caught it after a few juggled attempts.

"I know you must be disappointed, but honestly I'm sorry" he interrupts.
"Why di-"
"But Jordan, you need to understand something," he looks up to the ceiling, interrupting me again.
"This is how I am, Jordan. I'm the bad boy of Aradale, I don't want to change my ways for you," interrupts me, well, again, not looking me in the eye.

This time I don't say anything. Because what he said, stings.
"Look I love being your friend. I really do. And I really, really like you. But I feel like ever since I've become friends with you, I'm not me anymore. I'm this..sweet guy who does sweet things. What happened to my bad boy ways?" This time he looks at me. "I really like you, Jordan. But this isn't me."
I shake my head lightly and look him in the eye. "Aaron, you got this all wrong. The sweet, still cocky, guy you are now, is who you are. The bad boy you were, and who you think you are, is not you. Being the bad boy of Aradale was only a way of suppressing your feelings, don't think I don't know that. You really are a sweet guy, that's who you are." I finish it with a small smile.
He is stunned after that. He says nothing, does nothing. All he's doing is staring at me.

"It's like you know me more than I know myself," he murmured.
I let out a light laugh, giving him a little playful push.

"But may I add? You still got your bad boy ways," I winked, he smirked.

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