Chapter 6

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"I can't believe you're making me do this", I say with a scowl. You wouldn't believe what he's making me do for the 'owe'.

"So here's what I want you to do.."
Here it comes.
I look at him with curiosity lacing my eyes.
"I need you to be my date for an event".
My eyes widens, "um?"
"You heard me."
"Explain this to me", if I'm gonna do it, I deserve to know what it's about. And so on, he starts explaining, "My aunt wants me to attend this dinner party that her boss is organizing. Since she doesn't have a son, my mom wants me to go, and because it's a fancy-smanshy party, I need a date." - "And also this is not me asking you on a date, if that's what you were thinking!" he adds, with the slightest hint of realization on his face.
Hmmmm..a date with the bad boy..
I know it's not a 'date' date, but it's a date. I don't mind helping out Mrs.Mathews and Aaron's aunt, and plus I said I'd do what Aaron asks me to, so really I don't have much of a choice here. "Alright I'll go with you" I breathe out. His infamous smirk returns on his face.

*end of flashback*

"How should I dress?" I decided to ask Mrs.Mathews for some dressing tips according to the occasion. I really didn't know what type of party it is, so it's better to ask than show up at a important party in the wrong outfit.
"Dress classy, it's a very important dinner and you need to look elegant. So I'd say wear a dress."
"Hmm.. I think I should probably go buy one" I say sheepishly. I don't usually get invited to fancy-smanshy parties, so I don't have an appropriate dress for the occasion. "I'll come with. Do you mind if I help you pick out a dress? I wanna make sure you look stunning enough to knock out Aaron. I know you two like ea-"
"Woah woah" I interrupt with my hands up, "we do NOT like each other, whatsoever!"
"Keep saying that to yourself" she grins.
I groan and tell her she can come with me.
So guess what time it is? Shopping time!


"I have to get this!" I squeak as I hold it up for Stacy to see. "It's actually beautiful" she says in awe. "Go try it on" she smirks. Damn, does the entire family have a habit of smirking? I nod excitedly as I hop to the stalls.

I put on the dress and walk out to show Stacy. "You", she shakes her head, "get this dress. It's my gift to you" she smiles sweetly. A gift? "No-no, I really like this too, you really don't have to d-"
"I insist" she holds up a hand. I smile gratefully at her.

"You're going to knock him off his feet tonight, just watch" Aliyah smirks.
What's up with everyone smirking at me these days?
"Aliyah it's not like I'm trying to impress him or anything, I'm only doing this because I owed him something."
"But you're still gonna knock him off his feet tonight," I shoot her a confusing look. She had just gotten done with my makeup and hair, because if I tried to do it, I'd be send to the zoo. "Just turn around and look at yourself" she smirks again.
I turn around slowly and my jaw drops as I look at my reflection. Is this me?!
"I look..beautiful." I smile at myself.
For the first time in my life I'm calling myself beautiful, because tonight I really did look like it. "You look stunning," Aliyah smiles.

Ding dong.

Aaron's here. He said he'd pick me up at 7, it's 7.
"Time to surprise the bad boy" Aliyah smirks.
Really? Again?

"You look very handsome tonight" I hear my mom say to Aaron. "Why thank you" he replied.
"I'm here!" I say cheerfully as i descend down the stairs.
I feel Aaron's eyes on me, and he did a double look. (shoutout to you if you know what 'double look' means.) His lips parted in surprise and all he did was stare, and stare.
I finally get down and my mom starts getting emotional. "Honey... Oh my god.. You look so gorgeous tonight! I-i need to take a picture!" I swear she had a tear in her eye. She brings out her phone and starts taking pictures of me and Aaron. "Mom this isn't prom or even my first date" I roll my eyes but have a smile on my face. "It's just...I don't get to see this everyday, you've never looked more beautiful." I reply with "gee thanks mom. I mean I always knew you thought I'm beautiful and stuff.." note the sarcasm.
Then I notice something..
Aaron never took his eyes off of me ever since I entered. I think he was even looking at me when mom was taking the pictures. I quickly turn my head to his face and I was right, he was staring at me the entire time. "Were you staring at me the entire time?" I say with a shy smirk. He gulped, and quickly looks away.

"We should, um, we should, uh," then he mutters to himself 'what's the wordd' -"go! Yes we should go."
Was he seriously searching for the word 'go' ?

Wait where's Aliyah? I turn to look up the stairs and find her smiling at us. She gives me a thumps up and motions for me to go. Aw that girl. I love her.
I give her a grateful smile and say a quick goodbye to my mom. Once we're by his car he opens the door for me. Huh.. "Oo the bad boy is a gentleman, I see?" I smirk.
In response I get a smirk back.
He mutters something I couldn't quite make out, but it seemed like 'only for you'. Which I'm sure he didn't say because that would just be sweet and the word 'sweet' cannot be used in the same sentence as 'Aaron'.
He gets in, too and the engine roared to life.
"By the way, you look pretty good tonight."
"Did I just hear Aaron Mathews, the bad boy of Aradale High School, compliment me?! Is this the end of the world or something?" He lightly chuckles.
"So where is the dinner party at?"
"It's located at the Aradale Hall." I nod in response.

The car ride wasn't that long, it took only about 15 minutes to get there. And as soon as we reached our destination, I started getting nervous.

"Do I have to act like really really formal? I really don't want to embarrass you or your aunt. Do we have to speak in a British accent?! Wh-"
"British accent?" he chokes as he starts laughing. I shoot him a grumpy look.
"I'm nervous, Aaron."
"Hello nervous, I'm Aaron" he joked.
"Ughhhh" I groan out loud, "do you read the 'dad jokes edition #1' book or something?"
"Actually, you'll find a copy of that book in my room."
I don't know if he's joking or being serious..
"Oh really? I'd love to see that" I decide to play along.
"So eager to get in my room already?" again with his infamous smirk.
"You're just..uh"
"'Uh' as in sexy? Hot? Drool-worthy? S-"
"Dude shut up" I roll my eyes at him.
He winks at me.

"Let's just go in" I'm done with my nerves. We gotta go in sometime, right?

With a stiff nod, he holds out his arm for me to link mine with (like a gentleman may I add) and as I link mine through, he smiles and we start walking.

Finally time for the 'date'.

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