Chapter 13

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So I thought today was gonna be a good day. Why would I think that? Because I started the day with a good hair day. Yeah don't judge me. But yeah, obviously life had a different decision for me.

But as I came home from school, I bump my head into the closet corridor, obviously I shake my head and fall and there goes my hair's silkiness, as it all got tangled. I hear laughter from behind, my front door. I whip my head around to look who it is. Oh and I'm still on the floor.

It's Aaron.

"What are you even doing here?" I ask as I get up. "Thanks for the hand," I mutter sarcastically.
"I just came to take back my sweater, and yes you're welcome."
"Your sweater?" A confused expression is visible on my face.
"Yep. Matt put it in your backpack during lunch when you weren't looking. I was looking all around for it and even asked him but he wouldn't tell. I had my suspicion on him so when I threatened him after school ended, he finally spilled. You left by then so here I am, in your house, and watched you as you bumped your head and fell," he smirked.

I huff and cross my arms across my chest, "go get it from my backpack."
He smirked, "oh but I was told to never go through a lady's bag."
"Good for you I'm not a lady," I joke around. He rolled his eyes and grabbed my backpack which was on the floor due to my fall a few minutes ago. He grabs his sweater and says a quick bye and leaves my house. I lock the doors and decide I should probably take a shower.

After my quick shower, I change into my comfy clothes, which for now is my pikachu pyjamas and matching top.

By now it's 5:30 pm and I'm bored out of my mind. idea popped into my mind.

Let's do this thing.

I was just about to reach for my house phone when it starts ringing, I answer it and a voice says from the other end before I can even say hello.
"Is this Ms. Jordan Elle Mathews?"
"Y-yes" I answer, unsure.
"This is officer Rodger from the Police Department. I am sorry to inform you of this, but we are sending two officers to your house to arrest you."
My blood ran cold.
I'm getting arrested? For what?! I was barely 18! I did nothing illegal, whatsoever! I..i..
"Miss?" officer says, interrupting my thoughts. That's when I realised I hadn't said anything.
"I..may I ask what I did wrong?" I ask in a little voice. Obviously I'm scared! So don't ask why I asked in a little voice.

"That's something you will find out when my officers reach your house. They should be there any minute. Goodbye, we shall meet soon." The phone went dead, meaning, he hung up.

I jump three feet high when the bell rang, they're here! Ah oh my god what do I do whaat will my parents say what will they think of me?? Going to jail at such a young age. Tsk tsk.

I hesitantly get up, and slowly open the door. As I open it, I start my speech for my freedom, "look officer, I didn't do an-" infront of me is Aaron! He's clutching to his stomach, doubling over in laughter. What is that supposed to mean? I gasp in realisation, he wouldn't!

"You! It was you! Oh my god I.. God I'm going to kill you!" I slam my front shut behind me as I sprint towards him, running in full mode but he turned out faster than me, even while laughing.

"You can never get me, pipsqueak" more laughter.
Pipsqueak? Pipsqueak? Did he just call me a pipsqueak? I'm 5'8! And plus it's not my fault he's tall. He's like, what? 6 feet?

Snapping back from my thoughts, after hearing him call me a pipsqueak, I start running faster. And well, he didn't see that coming.

10 feet. I'm only 10 feet away from catching him.
6 feet.
5 feet.
4 feet, and jump!

I jump at him, making him (and me) fall over and we start rolling over one another but I manage to pin him down below me.

"I surrender! I support peace! Don't hurt me, woman!" He exclaimed. "Do you know how freakin scared I was! I thought I was going to jail at this young age and I'd be a disgrace to my parents until the day they die, and in fact, they'll die knowing their young daughter went to prison at only 18! I wouldn't even know what I did wrong, I'd just know I'm in jail and ohmygod I wouldn't get married. I'd never know what true love is, I wouldn't have my first kiss, I'd be virgin forever because no one would want to marry a girl who's been to prison. What about my high school sweetheart? I don't even have my high school sweetheart, but I always wanted one. I'd die knowing I never had the opportunity to find my high school sweetheart and wouldn't get to marry him. I've never even been to a high school party, I'd die knowing that, too. Oh god! Wh-"
Then it hit me. It freakin hit me. I'm rambling on about my life and going to prison, while I'm pinning Aaron down, still on top of him. I look down at him, and he's staring at me with amusing wide eyes. Oh crap.

While he's still staring at me, I stare back at him with wide eyes. I'm so shocked and oh so embarrassed at myself.

"You..are, just something else," he says to me, shaking his head, amusement clear in his eyes.

I slowly get off of him and let him sit up, while I'm still sitting beside. God that was so embarrassing!

I shall now move to Alaska.

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