Maya and Farkle zoomed through the streets on the motorcycle while still in their costumes. Maya turned around and saw Pierre on a motorcycle coming after them.
"He's after us!" Maya yelled.
"Well I would drive faster is these cars would move out of the way!" Farkle yelled as he drove pass some cars that honked at them.
"Wait" Maya said "I think I have an idea".
She took off her Marie Antoinette wig and threw it at Pierre's face which caused him to fall over and onto the ground.
"Ha ha sucker!" Maya laughed as they drove away.
"Oh I'm not done" Pierre growled as he took out his phone and started to call someone "Hey they're heading towards the Louvre Museum!" he said to the phone "One is dressed as a stereotype French person and the other is dressed as Marie Antoinette! I know, crazy Americans".
Farkle and Maya drove near the Louvre Museum as Maya gasped.
"It's the Louvre Museum!" she gasped "I was planning on going here today!"
"Well it looks like you can't cause I'm trying to save our lives here!" Farkle said.
"Farkle look out!" Maya pointed to a van that blocked their path.
Farkle didn't know where to turn and he lost control of the motorcycle as they crashed into some trash cans and fell to the ground.
"I think I should drive next time" Maya winched in pain as they got up and brush the garbage off of them.
Just then some men got out from the van and grabbed onto Maya and Farkle and started to pull them towards the van.
"No wait!" they yelled in fear.
"Let us go!" Maya ordered as they struggled from the men's grip.
"I'm innocent I swear!" Farkle yelled as they were thrown into the van and the men got in and closed the door as the van drove off.
Maya and Farkle saw that the lady who had Maya's purse was in the van with Maya's purse next to her.
"So you're the American teens who took my purse" she said.
"Give me that!" Maya grabbed her purse and pulled it towards her "You better not of been messing with my stuff".
"The only thing I went through was your camera" the lady held up Maya's camera "I like your style by the way, especially this one of your haft face".
She showed them the picture showing haft of Maya's face.
"Yeah that was an accident" Maya said as she took the camera.
"Now where's the purse?" the man next to her demanded in a deep French accent which intimidated her.
"Uh, here" she took off the purse and gave it to him as he snatched it from her.
"Where are you taking us?" Maya commanded.
But he didn't answer."Boss" he said upfront "What do we do with them?"
"We'll just hold on to them" Pierre said from the front seat "I'll think of something".
Maya and Farkle didn't know what to do, they knew they were in a van of art thieves. They had to escape, but there seemed to be no escape. They felt their hearts pounding with fear, is only Riley and Lucas knew what was happening to them.
Riley and Lucas drove up to the Louvre Museum and parked the motorcycle in front of it.
"I can't believe we're here" Riley smiled as they got off.
"Yep" Lucas said "The Mona Lisa and other famous artworks are inside that museum".
"I really wish Maya was here, she'd love this. I wonder what she's doing? I'm gonna call her".
She took out her phone and started to call Maya. In the van, Maya's phone started to ring in her purse, she pulled it out and saw that Riley was calling her. She tried to answer it but the man next to her snatched her phone out from her hands and denied the call.
"Hey!" Maya yelled with anger as the man scowled at her "Uh, never mind".
Maya gave a little sigh, her only hope to be rescued was out of the list.
"That's odd" Riley said "She's not answering".
"Maybe she's busy" Lucas said "You wanna go in now?"
"Uh, sure why not?" she shrugged as they went into the museum.
The museum was not like any other museum Riley has seen, everything looked like it was paved in gold.
"Oh my gosh" she gasped "This looks amazing".
"Where do you wanna start?" Lucas asked.
"I don't care, anywhere. Oo, let's go this way".
Lucas followed Riley around the museum as they admired the artworks. Riley then spotted the Mona Lisa and ran to it.
"Lucas take my picture with Lisa" she handed him her camera as she struck a pose next to the painting.
Lucas gave a smiled as he took her picture, he couldn't get enough if her cuteness. After the Mona Lisa, Riley and Lucas walked around the museum and admired more of the artworks. After walking around, they sat down on a bench and looked through their pictures.
"Man my mom is gonna be so jealous" Riley said with a smile.
"I bet she will" Lucas agreed with a smile.
But then he started to hear some talking behind a wall, but as he listened closer, he heard someone say 'Maya' and 'hostages'.
"Did you hear that?" he asked.
"Yeah" Riley said with a worried look "That didn't sound good".
They then quietly went up to the wall and listened.
"Wait say that again I wasn't listening" they heard a man say.
They heard another man groan "Pierre just called and said that they have the money along with 2 American hostages name Maya and I think he said Farkle".
Riley and Lucas almost gasped.
"Farkle?" a man chuckled "Who names their poor kid Farkle?"
"Anyway, Pierre said that they will be coming to the Hotel Mondial soon to make the exchange, so we better be there soon and with the painting".
"What do you think he's gonna do to the American hostages?"
"I don't know, I bet it wont be pretty though".
Riley and Lucas couldn't believe it.
"Oh my God" Riley gasped in a whisper "Someone's taken Maya and Farkle!"
"Not only that" Lucas whispered "They're caught in the act of some art thieves!"
"What do we do?!"
"We have to get the police".
"Hey!" they turned and saw a man looking at them "Eavesdroppers! Get them!"
"Come on!" Lucas grabbed Riley's hand as they ran away with some men after them.
They ran through the crowd as fast as they could until they made it outside and to the motorcycle. They quickly got on and started the engine as they saw the men running towards them.
"Stop!" one of them ordered.
But Riley and Lucas drove away before the men could get them.
"Into the van!" the man ordered the others "We can't let them get away!"

Girl Meets Paris
FanfictionIt's Spring Break, and Riley and the gang are going to Paris France! Riley and Lucas are looking forward to spending time with each other, but things don't go as planed when the gang are caught in the act of a bunch of art thieves who are after them...