Ch.11 Night ride

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As Riley grabbed onto Lucas's hand, he began to pull her up as she pushed herself up on the flag pole. Lucas then grabbed her arm and hoisted her up as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Soon he was able to pull her over the edge and safely back onto the top. Lucas pulled her into a hug as she began to cry on his shoulders.

"It's ok" he said as he comfort her "You're safe now".

Riley continued to cry as she remembered how close she was to her death. But luckily her prince was able to save her. Lucas placed a kiss on her head as he held her tightly, he never wanted to let her go.

While Lucas was comforting Riley, Maya was sitting on Pierre as Farkle held onto the painting.

"How are you so strong?" Pierre asked Maya.

"I just am" she smirked just as the police entered.

"He's all yours" Maya said as she got off of Pierre as the police brought him up and handcuffed him.

Lucas then put his arm around Riley as he brought her to Maya.

"Riles" Maya gasped as she pulled her into a hug "I'm so glad you're ok".

"Thanks to Lucas" Riley smiled.

"Thank you Huckleberry" Maya smiled at him "Your nose is bleeding by the way"

He touched his nose and saw blood on his fingers from his nose when Pierre punched him.

"Anyone have a tissue?" he asked.

"Here" Riley reached into her pocket and handed him a tissue.

After Riley was reunited with her dad and Farkle, everyone went back inside the hotel where they saw the police taking care of the other art thieves.

"Hold it!" Maya yelled as she went up the the big guy who took her phone "Where's my phone?!"

The guy sighed as he reached into his pocket and gave her back her phone.

"Goodbye" she said with a fake smile as an officer took him away.

"Now could you guys explain to us what happened?" Marc asked.

"Uh-" they all said as they looked at each other.

"It's a really long story" Farkle said to Cory and Marc.

"Go ahead" Cory said.

So the friends began to tell them everything that happened since they left the hotel.

"You guys dressed up as a mime and Marie Antoinette?" Cory asked Maya and Farkle.

"Yeah" they both sighed.

"It was the only thing that fitted me" Maya said with a disappointed look.

"But she looked really fancy" Farkle added.

"It didn't even come with cake!" Maya put in.

After their story, Marc and Cory sat there with shocked looks.

"I just can't believe all of this happened to us on our first day" Farkle said.

"Well we still have the whole week left" Lucas added.

"That's right" Riley agreed "We can still enjoy France, and hopefully nothing bad will happen to us, again".

"Well tomorrow I need to go to the Louvre Museum" Maya said.

"And I wanna see the Eiffel Tower" Riley said.

"We can go tomorrow" Marc said.

"But be extra careful" Cory warned.

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