Everyone waited until the waitress came.
"Hey guys" Farkle said "I'm gonna order for us in French".
"Um Farkle-" Lucas started to say.
But before he could finish, Farkle started to talk to the waitress in some crazy French. She looked at him with an odd look.
"Desole madame" Lucas said to the waitress "Il es un pue bizarre. Alors pouvez vous humour juste avec lui?"
(Translation" Sorry ma'am, he's a little weird. So can you just humor with him?)
The waitress nodded her head as she turned to Farkle.
"Good job little buddy" she smiled "But you don't have to speak French I can speak English".
"Oh ok" Farkle said as he turned to Lucas who gave him a fake smile and a thumbs up.
After they ate, Riley and Lucas got on the motorcycle.
"We'll see you guys later" Lucas said as he started the engine.
"Meet us back at the hotel when you're done" Marc said.
"We will" they both said as they rode away.
"Now to the art store" Maya smiled as they crossed the street to the shop.
While they were in the store, Riley and Lucas rode through the streets as Riley looked around Paris. She then looked at Lucas, now that she was alone with him, she had to make the best of Paris with him like what Maya said. She then gave a smile as she held onto him as he drove through the streets.
"Wow" Maya smiled as she walked out the store with bags in her hands "I should shop here more often".
"Whoa look" Farkle pointed to a mime on the street.
"Whoa" Maya gasped "An actually mime, hey Farkle go talk to him".
"What do I say?" he asked "Mime's don't talk".
"Just go and do something funny with him".
She set her black purse on the bench next to a lady who was talking on her phone and had a matching black purse next to her.
"Yeah I have to money with me" she said into his phone "The painting is yours for 5 million euros, all right I'll see you soon".
She hung up as she accidentally grabbed Maya's purse without looking and walked away.
"Wow" Maya smiled at Farkle who was interacting with the mime.
"Merci" Farkle thanked the mime as he went to Maya "That mime was fun, did you see the way he 'lassoed' me?"
"Yeah that was cool, but what about when he walked down the stairs behind that car?"
"Oh yeah that was awesome".
"Do you want to go to the catacombs now?" Marc asked Maya.
"Oh yeah sure, let me just get my purse".
She went to the bench and picked up her purse and opened it. But instead of seeing her usual items, she was shocked to find that the items weren't hers.
"No" she gasped "No no no!"
"What is it?" Farkle asked.
"Someone must of taken my purse by mistake! These aren't my things!"
"Well don't worry, we'll just track this person down, see if there's a wallet in there or something".
Maya looked in purse but couldn't find a wallet "Well there's a planner" she pulled out a planner.
"Let me see that" Marc grabbed the planner and opened it "Aha, whoever owns this purse has an appointment at 13:30 at 'Cafe Rose' with someone name Pierre".
"13:30?" Maya said.
"That's European time, it would be 1:30 in American time".
"So if we go there we might be able to get your purse back" Farkle told Maya.
"Well what time is it?" Maya asked.
"It's 5 minutes till 13" Marc said.
"Man I can't wait that long, there were important stuff in there. My phone, my camera, my earbuds, even my little sketchbook".
"Don't worry Maya" Farkle said "We'll find it".
"In the meantime, do you wanna go to the catacombs?" Marc asked.
Maya gave a sigh "Fine, I just hope nothing bad happens to my purse. But I swear if whoever has my purse does something to my stuff, they're getting me new ones"
They all then got on the motorcycle and drove away to the catacombs.
Meanwhile, the lady who accidentally took Maya's purse gasped when she opened the purse and saw that the stuff weren't hers.
"Oh no!" she gasped "Someone stole my bag! You can't trust anyone these days".
She then pulled out Maya's camera and looked through the photos. She saw a photo of Farkle in the fountain, Maya posing with a statue, Farkle getting attacked by pigeons, and a selfie of Maya and Farkle in front of a cafe. Now she knew who had her bag, and now she had to look for them before things don't go well for the both of them.
Riley and Lucas drove through the streets until they entered a beautiful park. Lucas parked the motorcycle and they got off.
"Wow" Riley said amused as she gazed upon the park "This park looks amazing".
She admired the pond with ducks in it, the big trees that proved shade on the sidewalk, the flowers that bloomed everywhere, and the nice green field where she saw families having picnics.
"Wanna walk around?" Lucas asked.
"Sure" she smiled as they walked down the sidewalk.
As they walked, soothing romantic music struck their ears, they followed the sound and they came upon a little group of people playing instruments with people around them taking pictures.
"You wanna dance?" Lucas asked.
"Like, now?" Riley asked with her eyes widen "In front of these people?"
"Why not?" he smiled.
Riley remembered she needed to make the best of this vacation with Lucas, so she gave a little sigh.
"Oh what the heck sure" she smiled.
Lucas took her hand as they went to the center and motioned the group to continue playing. They then positioned themselves and soon they started dancing. As they dance Riley smiled and waved to the people.
"You enjoying this?" Lucas asked.
"Yeah actually" Riley smiled.
After they danced and the music stopped, everyone applauded as Riley and Lucas bowed.
"Wow" Riley grinned "That was pretty fun".
"Well there's plenty more to do around here" Lucas said "Such as-".
A man carrying a bouquet of roses walked by and handed a rose to Lucas as he gave it to Riley.
"Getting a free rose" he smiled.
Riley gave a little giggle as she took the rose and felt herself blushing.
"Shall we continue our little walk?" Lucas asked.
"We shall" she smiled as he held his arm out for her and she took it as they continued walking on the sidewalk.

Girl Meets Paris
FanfictionIt's Spring Break, and Riley and the gang are going to Paris France! Riley and Lucas are looking forward to spending time with each other, but things don't go as planed when the gang are caught in the act of a bunch of art thieves who are after them...