Ch.2 On the plane

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It was now Sunday morning, and the gang along with Cory went to the airport where they waited for Marc outside.

"I can't believe this actually happening" Riley smiled "We're all going to Paris".

"Well we would be going to Paris right now if Lucas's French friend would show up now" Maya said with a tired look.

"Maya" Lucas said "We've been waiting for 5 minutes, and the plane doesn't leave for another hour, we've got time".

"In the meantime" Farkle said "Can you teach me some French?"

"Uh, sure, let's try 'My name is Farkle'" Lucas suggested "So repeat after me: Je m'appelle Farkle".

"Shoo may apple Farkle" he tried to repeat.

"No" Lucas said "Try again. Je m'appelle Farkle".

"Che my accal Farkle" he tried again.

Lucas gave a sigh "You're not doing it right".

"Really? Cause it sounds pretty good to me".

Just then Marc appeared.

"Lucas" he called.

"Marc hey!" Lucas smiled as they greeted each other "It's so good to see you again".

"You too" Marc said in his French accent, he then spotted his friends "Are these your friends?"

"Yep, this is Riley, Maya, Farkle and Mr Matthews, Riley's dad".

"Bonjour" they all said to Marc.

"Bonjour" Marc smiled.

"His accent is so hot" Maya whispered to Riley.

"I heard that" Marc said as Maya blushed with embarrassment.

"So are you guys ready to go to Paris?" Marc asked.

"I am" Riley smiled.

"Well let's get going then".

After checking in their luggage and other stuff, everyone made it to the waiting room and sat down.

"So Marc" Riley said "What fun things do you suggest we do in Paris?"

"Lots of things" he said "We can see the Eiffel Tower, go on a boat, hang out at a cafe, and just walk around".

"You know what I wanna do when we get there?" Maya said "I wanna go down in the catacombs".

"What?" Riley said.

"The catacombs, it's this creepy tunnel that's underneath Paris and it's filled with bones and stuff, you know  like in that horror movie I made you watch".

"Oh my God that movie scared my so much do not mention that again".

"You seriously wanna go down in the catacombs?" Lucas asked with a nervous look.

"Yes" Maya said "I'm not scared, it looks interesting".

"Well I can take you there" Marc said.

"Why thank you Marc, now in the meantime, where's a plug so I charge my phone?"

"Hey where's Farkle?" Riley asked "He's been gone for a while".

"I'm back" Farkle appeared with sweat in his forehead "Sorry I was gone for a while".

"Where've you been?" Lucas asked.

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