Ch.10 Hanging on

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The art thieves tried to grab Maya, but she then threw the painting at Riley who caught it and was about the run the other way when Pierre blocked her way and pulled out a pocket knife as her eyes widen.

"Now we can do this the easy way" he said "Or the hard way. Give me the painting".

He held his hand out as Riley clutched the painting close to her.

"Give it to me" he ordered.

Riley was about to give it to him when she slid the painting underneath him and it went to Lucas as he picked it up just as Marc and Cory ran in. Lucas tried to run to them, but Pierre grabbed onto Lucas's jacket collar and pulled him towards him as he brought the knife to Lucas's neck.

"Lucas!" Riley gasped.

"What's going on?!" Marc demanded when he and Cory saw what was happening.

"It's the painting" Lucas said as he felt the blade against his neck "He's after it".

"They're art thieves and they're trying to steal that painting!" Maya added.

Cory then turned to Pierre who was still holding onto Lucas with the knife to his throat.

"Sir" he said with his hands up.

"Come any closer and he gets it!" Pierre warned.

"Just put the knife away" Cory said calmly.

"Back away!" he warned again as he pulled Lucas away.

"Put the knife away!"

"He's gonna get it!"

"Ok ok" Cory said calmly "Lucas, just give him the painting".

"But Mr. Matthews-" Lucas said.

"Do what he says" Pierre cut in as he tugged on his jacket collar.

"Lucas just do it" Cory said with a worried look.


"Do it!" Pierre yelled.

Lucas shook with fear as he slowly moved the painting towards Pierre who let go of his jacket collar. Lucas slowly moved away as he handed Pierre the painting.

"Thank you" Pierre said as he took the painting as Lucas backed away.

Just then Farkle grabbed onto the carpet Pierre was on and pulled it as Pierre fell and the painting flew into the air as Riley quickly ran and caught it. Pierre looked at her with a mad look.

"Riley run!" Lucas yelled as she ran towards the back door with Pierre after her.

Lucas tried to go after them but one of the thieves grabbed onto him and held him back.

Riley ran through the hall until she came upon an elevator, she pushed the up button and got in just as she turned around to see Pierre running towards her. She rapidly pushed the closed button as the door closed right before he could get in. She then pushed the highest level as it went up. Soon the door opened and she found herself on top on the hotel. She walked out of the elevator and saw that there was no where else to go.

"There you are" she turned around and was shocked to see Pierre standing there with the knife in his hand.

Riley held the painting close to her as she backed away.

"Give me the painting" Pierre ordered "And I wont hurt you".

Riley didn't know what to do, she just backed away more as she shook with fear.

"This is your final warning" he scowled "Give it to me!"

At that point Riley hit the edge, she turned around and saw how high they were, she felt a chill going down her spine. Just then Pierre grabbed onto the painting and tried to pull it away from her and she tried to pull it back. At that point Lucas entered. When Pierre saw him, he grabbed the painting away from Riley and shoved her over the edge.

"Riley!" Lucas gasped as she was able to grab onto a flag pole.

She looked down and saw how high she was dangling.

"Lucas!" she screamed as she held on for her life.

Lucas looked at Pierre who now had the painting in his hand along with his knife. He then grabbed onto Pierre's shoulders and pulled him away as Pierre broke away and tried to swing the knife at him, but Lucas quickly ducked as the knife went over his head. As he ducked he sprang onto Pierre and brought him to the ground. But Pierre then punched him in the face and pushed him off as he got up.

"Lucas!" Riley screamed as she tried to hold onto the flag pole "I can't hold on much longer!"

Pierre tried to stab Lucas with his knife, but Lucas quickly moved and got back up as Pierre tried to stab him again, but Lucas grabbed onto Pierre's wrist and twisted it and he slammed him to the ground as the painting slipped out of his hand. But then Pierre used his legs to make Lucas fall back as he got up.

"That's it!" Pierre yelled with anger "I've had enough of this!"

Lucas looked behind Pierre and watched as Maya, Farkle, and Cory entered.

"Looks like you're gonna be the first one to die before midnight!" Pierre yelled as Maya ran up and jumped on his back with her arm tightly around his neck.

Pierre struggled to get her off his back, but Maya wrapped her legs tightly around his ribs as she choked him with her arms and pulled him towards the ground. While Maya strangled Pierre, Lucas ran to the edge and looked over and saw Riley still hanging onto the flag pole over the passing streets.

"Riley!" he called.

"Lucas!" she screamed "I can't hold much longer!"

"Grab my hand!" he reached his hand out.

Riley knew reaching for his hand was the only thing that could save her life, but then she looked down at the streets.

"Lucas I'm scared!" she cried "What if I slip?!"

"You wont!" he promised "Trust me, I've got you, just don't look down".

"Well that you say that I have to look down!" Riley yelled as she looked down again.

"Riley!" Lucas yelled "You have to listen to me! Keep yourself from looking down and grab my hand, I've got you".

Riley closed her eyes to prevent herself from looking down, she knew what she had to do. She bravery reached her hand out towards him while her other hand held onto the flag pole.

"You're almost there" Lucas said as Riley reached as far as she could with her other hand pushing herself up.

Pretty soon she reached his hand.

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