As Riley and Lucas walked around the park, they then spotted another pond with some rowboats on shore.
"You wanna ride on the boat?" Lucas asked.
"We can do that?" Riley asked.
"Yeah, we can ride a boat whenever we can".
"Oh" Riley said amused "And sure, I would love to ride a boat".
So they got on the boat and pushed themselves into the pond as Lucas started to row the boat.
"Wow" Riley said "This is very relaxing".
"I know" Lucas agreed "When I was in France I would go on a boat and just let my mind flow".
Riley then saw some ducks swimming by.
"You wanna feed the ducks?" Lucas asked."With what?"
"This piece of bread I save from lunch" he pulled out a piece of bread from his jacket pocket.
"You had that piece of bread in your pocket the whole time?"
"You never know when you might need a snack, or well, a snack for ducks".
He then pulled out some bread crumbs and tossed it in the water as the ducks gobbled up the soggy offers.
"You try" Lucas handed her the bread as she took it and tossed some bread crumbs into the water as the ducks ate it.
"Man I wish Maya and Farkle were here to see this" Riley said.
"Yeah" Lucas agreed "I wonder why they're doing now?"
Maya and Farkle drove through the streets in a more slower speed now that they had gotten rid of Pierre.
"Maya" Farkle said "Do you even know where we're going?"
"Huh" Maya said "I have no idea".
"Do you know how to get to the 'Cafe Rose'?"
"What about the hotel?"
"Well then I think we should pull over and call Marc".
"Good idea" Maya said as she pulled over and parked near a sidewalk as they got off.
"But what I wanna know is why Pierre was asking for money?" she wondered "I mean, there's no money in this purse".
She opened the purse and saw that there was no money. But she then noticed a pocket.
"Wait" she said as she unzipped the pocket and gasped "Farkle".
"Yeah?" he asked as Maya pulled put a bunch of cash from the pocket.
"Whoa!" Farkle gasped.
"Look at all of this" Maya said as she showed him more money from the pocket "How much do you think this is?"
"Like 5 million euros".
"So this must be the money Pierre was talking about".
"Wait a minute, didn't he also talk about a painting being at the Hotel Mondial?"
"I think so".
"Maya" he said with a nervous look "I think Pierre is part of a gang of art thieves".
"Art thieves?" Maya gasped.
"I mean think about it, all of this money was probably stolen to make a trade to a painting, and that painting is probably now at the hotel, but they can't make the trade without the money, so that's why Pierre was after us, and he could be looking for us now".
"Oh my God" Maya gasped "What do we do?"
"We gotta get the police".
"I don't know".
Maya then looked behind Farkle and gasped "Farkle, it's him!"
She pointed to Pierre who was walking around the streets looking for them.
"Quick hide!" Farkle said as they hid behind a flower cart as Pierre stopped in front of a store and sat on a bench to catch his breath.
"What do we do?" Maya whispered "We can't escape from here!"
Farkle looked around and spotted a masquerade store.
"I got it" he whispered "Follow me".
They both covered their faces with flower pots and they sneakily walked into the store without Pierre seeing them. After a while they opened the door and peaked out to make sure the coast was clear, and then they walked out wearing funny costumes. Farkle was wearing a mime outfit with a stick of bread in his hands, and Maya was wearing a Marie Antoinette gown along with the wig and a fan in her hand.
"I can't believe this was the only thing that fit me" Maya grunted.
"I gotta say" Farkle said with a smile "You look really fancy in that dress".
"Oh shut up" Maya slapped him with her fan.
"Here he comes!" Farkle whispered "Act French".
So Maya and Farkle acted French by making French accents and talking French words they knew as Pierre walked pass them, not noticing them.
"It worked" Farkle gasped.
"Now what?" Maya asked "Can we get out of these stupid costumes now?"
"You two!" they turned and saw Pierre running after them.
"No time to change!" Farkle yelled as he quickly knocked over a shelf onto Pierre which knocked him down and Maya and Farkle ran to the motorcycle.
"I can't drive a motorcycle dressed as Marie Antoinette!" Maya said "Especially in this stupid gown!"
"Fine I'll drive" Farkle said as he got on the motorcycle "Just get on behind me".
"But uh-".
"Stop!" Pierre ordered as he ran after them.
"I can't believe I'm doing this" Maya groaned as she got on the motorcycle behind Farkle and he started the engine and they drove off with Pierre running after them.
At the point the lady who has Maya's purse walked by and saw them on the motorcycle. She looked at the selfie of Maya and Farkle on Maya's camera and looked at them on the motorcycle.
"Nah" she said "Can't be them".
After Riley and Lucas finished their little ride on the rowboat, they brought the boat back on shore and walked back on the sidewalk.
"That felt nice" Riley smiled.
"So what do you want to do now?" Lucas asked.
"I actually wanna go to the Louvre Museum to see the Mona Lisa and other artworks, I bet Maya would love to go there".
"Well we can go there right now".
"Great" Riley smiled they went back to the motorcycle and got on and drove away from the park.
But as they were at a red light, they saw Farkle and Maya on the motorcycle driving on the other side of the street in their costumes with Maya yelling "Go! Go! Go!" to Farkle.
"Uh, why was Marie Antoinette on a motorcycle with a mime?" Riley asked with a confused look.
"I don't know" Lucas shrugged "But you can find some weird stuff in Paris".
Just then the light turned green and they rode off through the streets.

Girl Meets Paris
FanficIt's Spring Break, and Riley and the gang are going to Paris France! Riley and Lucas are looking forward to spending time with each other, but things don't go as planed when the gang are caught in the act of a bunch of art thieves who are after them...