Ch.12 Romantic night

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After the night ride around Paris, the friends went back to the hotel and went into the lobby.

"Hey Riley" Lucas said "Tomorrow after we hang out around Paris some more, I've got a little surprise for you in the evening".

"Oh" Riley said with a smile "I can't wait to see it".

"And I'm sure you'll love it" he smiled.

Riley gave a smile as they both walked into their rooms, they then looked back at each other.

"Goodnight" they both smiled as she walked in and closed the door.

The next morning, after everyone had recovered from the incident the night before, the friends along with Marc got on the motorcycles and drove to the Eiffel Tower where they got a ticket and got in line to get on the elevator.

"How many stairs does the Eiffel Tower had?" Riley asked Marc.

"About 1,710" he said.

"Wow" Maya said amused "Imagine climbing all of that back in the days when elevators weren't made".

After they rode the elevator up and to the top, the friends were amazed by how high they were.

"Look at this view" Riley gasped as she gazed over Paris.

"Cool huh?" Lucas smiled as he stood next to her.

"It be a shame if someone were to fall" Maya smirked as she pretended to push Riley and Lucas over the rail.

"Maya!" they yelled as she giggled.

"This is nice" Riley smiled "We're on top of the Eiffel Tower with the breeze in my hair, it feels like I'm on Titanic".

She then spread her arms out and pretended she was on Titanic. She then felt strong arms wrapping around her body, she turned around and saw that they were Lucas's.

"Hi" he smiled.

"Hi" she smiled back as she felt herself blushing.

"Hey Jack, Rose" Maya called "We're moving, come on".

Riley and Lucas gave a small laugh as they moved around the tower. After the Eiffel Tower, everyone went to Notre Dame.

"This is just like the Disney movie" Riley gasped "Except there's no hunchback, I was really looking forward to seeing Quasimodo".

"But there are the gargoyles" Lucas pointed up to the gargoyles that stood on top of the building.

"Where?" Farkle asked.

"Here" Lucas handed him a pair of binoculars as he looked through them.

"Why are they so tiny?" he asked as Lucas flipped the binoculars to the right side as Farkle looked through them "Oh! Ok I see them, wow they look freaky".

"Hey let's a picture real quick" Riley suggested as she handed her camera to Marc as they positioned themselves in front of Notre Dame.

"1,2,3" Marc counted, but just as he took the picture, a pigeon flew in front of the camera.

"Whoa" Marc said as he looked at the picture "Looks like you guys got photobombed by a pigeon".

"Come on" Maya groaned.

"Relax I'll take another one" Marc said as he took a better picture of them.

After Notre Dame, everyone went to the Louvre Museum.

"Wow" Maya gasped as they went inside "Look at all of these artworks".

"Hey look" Farkle pointed "It's that statue of that lady with no arms!"

"Whoa I need a picture of that" Maya grinned as she went to the statue.

As the day went by, the sun began to set.

"Lucas" Riley said as they walked down a park "When are you gonna show me the surprise?"

"Soon Riley" he said "Soon".

The sun began to set more bringing in the evening, and while everyone else had dinner at a buffet, Lucas took Riley to a fancy diner where he made her close her eyes as he guided her to an elevator.

"Lucas where are we going?" she asked as she kept her eyes closed.

"You'll see" he smiled as they took the elevator to the top.

"Ok" Lucas said as he brought her out "Open your eyes".

She opened her eyes and gasped, they were at the top of the diner with a decorated table in the center with Christmas lights hanging around. Riley also saw that they had a good view of the Eiffel Tower.

"Oh my gosh" she gasped "Lucas did you do all of this?"

"Yep" he smiled "I figured that if you wanted a dream vacation on the most romantic city in the world, I might as well make it happen".

"Lucas" she said, still heart struck by the surprise "This is amazing".

"Shall we sit?"

"We shall" she grinned as they sat at the table.

"By the way" Lucas added "Remember when I told you I would tell you what I said to you in French in the 7th grade when we got to Paris?"


"Do you wanna know what I said?"

"Yeah" she smiled.

"Well" he smiled "I've been wanting to tell you this, but now I think it's the perfect time to tell you. I said: Maybe one day, you and me will go to Paris together".

"Really?" Riley gasped with her eyes widen.

"Yeah, and now that we're in Paris together, it looks like it's a dream come true".

"Oh my gosh" Riley gasped with a smile.

"But this dream isn't over yet" Lucas smiled as he pulled out his phone and started to play a slow song as Riley felt herself blushing.

"May I have this dance?" he asked as he held his hand out.

Riley gave a smile "You may" she said as she took his hand and he pulled her up and away from the table to an open space.

Lucas put his hand on her waist as she put her hand on her shoulder and they held their arms up with their hands together, and soon they started dancing. Riley felt like she was reliving a fairytale, she couldn't stop smile as they danced.

"Lucas" she said "Remember when you asked me if I had a Prince Charming in my life?"

"Yeah" he said.

"Would you like to know who he is?"

"Yeah" he smiled.

"It's you" she smiled.

"I thought so" he smiled "And if I'm your Prince, then you're my Princess".

Riley gave a big smile and a little giggle. As they continued to dance, they both couldn't stop looking into each others eyes as they felt their hearts flutter. Soon they felt themselves getting close to each other, and their lips got closer, and soon their lips met, both feeling sparks. After the kiss, they both smiled as they continued dancing, and both of them knew that their dreams had came true.

Last chapter coming soon

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