[39] Run, Trinity!

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*Trinity’s P.O.V.*

For the past two days things have been very solemn and tense at the palace. No one spoke a word of it, but everyone feared that at any moment the Lycan force would peer over the Eastern horizon and come for us. As if they had already destroyed the city of Idris and everyone in between them and us. Like I said, it was never spoken of out loud, but the thoughts were there.

Everyday I would wake up bright and early and go up to one of the tower attics and watch from one of the east facing windows, as the sun was rising, to see if Keegan and Eric would return. Around nine I would help Arianna get ready for the day and help her with any chores until lunchtime. After that she rarely needs my help so I go to find Victoria.

She is always wandering the halls. Something she has always done a lot. Apparently she didn’t mind the quiet and the loneliness, but I didn’t believe that. So I have been joining her on her walks. When the sky would start to get darker, I would retreat to my tower and watch until dark to see if the men would return.

I was currently walking with Victoria on the third day of Lord Keegan and Eric’s departure for the Lycan battle. It was a very hot day, my clothes awkwardly clung to my skin but Victoria wanted to walk around the palace outside today, even in her black pants and shirt, but of course I wanted to join her.

She was acting strangely today though. Every little sight and sound that she heard put her on edge. Everything from a different sound of the rustling of the leaves, to a bird deciding to fly off in a rush. I didn’t understand. She hasn’t acted anything like this since when she was first brought here. I guess one can never get rid of the natural instincts and reflexes built up over hundreds of years.

But I decided to think nothing of it. Maybe this was her way of being afraid that the Lycans may have won and will come for us. Not that I can really picture Victoria being afraid of them. They are a Hell creature; just like her. She has no reason to be scared of them.

We were coming across the front of the palace when Victoria stopped me suddenly, putting a hand on my shoulder. She started sniffing the air a bit and her eyes were furiously darting around.

This time I had to speak up, “Victoria, what is wrong with you today? You’re very jumpy, and it’s starting to make me nervous…” I admitted.

Her eyes snapped towards me. It felt like her light grey eyes were piercing into my soul with such a strong intensity that I froze.

“Something isn’t right…” is all she said.

My brow scrunched up in confusion right before her head spun around and looked down the road. She instantly let out a sigh and started walking slowly around the palace again, leaving me behind, “The men have returned.”

Snapping my eyes to the same place she had just been looking, I had to squint through the bright sun before I could just see two large figures on horseback slowly trotting our way.

My face lit up instantly and a huge smile consumed my face. Turning on my heel I ran for inside. As soon as the doors were opened I started yelling to anyone who could here that Lords Keegan and Eric had finally returned. When I passed one of the drawing rooms, I saw Arianna and when I called it out to her, she gave me a quick, small smile and waved me off without a word.

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