[53] The Choosing

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*Victoria’s P.O.V.*

Smoothing my long black hair down neatly, I adjusted my corset and made sure that the tendrils of thin black silk floated nicely out behind me and to the sides and didn’t get caught within my leggings and boots. Eyes surrounded in a thick layer of black paint, face a mask of serious emotions, I took a deep breath and left my room to head down to the dungeons where Keegan was being held.

My mind was racing away with my thoughts as I made the endless journey in long slow strides. It was hard to imagine but after all of these centuries of waiting, the time was finally here. The planets were due to align within the next couple of hours. We had all of the missing pieces to complete the prophecy. All of the Fallen were together here in Hell.

It was time for the choosing of the portal keeper. To learn whom among us all would be the one to be worthy enough to free us of this fiery prison and return us home.

Considering how nervous I was for the prophecy, mixed with the excitement of knowing that this was the day we would rise in power, my heart beat on slowly and I felt relatively calm. My Lord only knows how long I have been waiting, to help in preparing for this day, as I kept watch over the Star Stone for weeks when it was in Keegan’s palace, right under his nose.

The tunnels got darker as I entered the dungeons and came upon Keegan’s room. Two demon guards were standing watch to make sure he didn’t try to escape while I was away. They bowed to me now and I gave them a quick nod in acknowledgement.

Instantly knowing why I was here, they opened the big stone door and stepped aside for me to enter.

My eyes quickly scanned the dark room that was illuminated by only a single torch and saw that Keegan was sitting up on his bed, leaning his back up against the stonewall. He had most of the evening to rest and now looked wide awake even with midnight approaching. He obviously heard the door opening and was prepared for me to be there.

Our eyes locked and I kept my face emotionless as I said, “Get up. It’s time.”

He didn’t say a word as he rose to his feet and brushed the dust off of his brown travel pants and black boots. I had found him a black long sleeve shirt to wear that tied closed together at the top but he left it open to expose the top of his chest. I decided that he looked better in white and that black made him look deceptively evil when he was anything but. I cursed at myself as soon as I thought that though.

I didn’t say anything else as I turned to leave the room and heard the quick shuffling of his boots and clothes that told me he didn’t need an order to be told to follow. The two demon guards followed behind Keegan to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid. Although any acts of stupidity now would only result in his immediate and imminent death. Truth be told, even I wasn’t sure why Lucifer hasn’t just killed him yet…

After walking up and out of the dungeons, Keegan finally broke the silence as he asked, “Where are we going?”

“Throne room,” I answered sharply.


I found that although I felt calm, I was suddenly very easily agitated, “You will find out soon enough,” I hissed.

Even though I had no true reason to treat him so horribly, especially after his declaration to me four days ago, I couldn’t help it. I felt completely on edge. Besides, I haven’t spoken to him since.

Turning down the last corner, I could see the large doors, harmlessly towering over us at the end of the hall, hiding the importance behind it. My body suddenly felt like it was on fire and sparking. My power was flaring and my emotions were all over the place suddenly. Maybe it came with the prophecy and all of the Fallen were feeling like this. There’s a good chance that I was just bad about hiding my discomfort.

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