[18] Not So Different

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This Chapter is dedicated to ^ because this was supposed to be posted on this past Friday for her birthday but those stupid things called school and 'my drama filled life' got in the way :S

--------------------[Story Start]---------------------


When I woke up the next morning, I knew that it was still fairly early.  The sound of running water brought me out of my restless slumber. Rubbing my eyes, I sat up slowly, trying to not hurt my sore body. Trinity was in the far corner of the room washing her face in the water basin.

Drying off with a small hand towel, she turned to see me and she smiled sadly, "Good morning, Victoria. How are you feeling?"

I shrugged slightly, "I've felt better..."

Tentatively, she came over to me and smoothed out her white and blue dress before she sat down on the very far edge of the small cot that I was situated on. Her fingers nervously fiddled with the fabric of her dress that was in her lap, "I'm so sorry about what Lady Arianna did to you. She was being very rude and inexcusable..."

One of my eyebrows rose at this.

Why is she defending that cold heartless wench?

"It's not your fault that she is a bitch..." I said slowly. It was odd but I was starting to feel more comfortable around this Pure angel and I felt 'ok' talking with her. But that could also be because I don't have anyone else that I can normally talk to.

The flinch at the crude word was obvious as Trinity shifted in her seat on the cot. She either must be really that innocent and truly 'pure' if even that bothers her... I almost started to wonder if it was actually because she didn't think that my statement was true, which would be very hard to believe.

Since she seemed a bit uncomfortable, I decided to change the subject.

"How old are you Trinity?"

"Almost 17!" she said very proudly, "But Lord Keegan says that I am a very mature for an angel my age.

I nodded, "So how old are you in angel years?"

Her delicate neck tilted her head to the side as she gave me a confused look. It dawned on me very quickly of what that meant.

This young angel has not even experienced her true and divine home. She is a pure creation of her true Lord God and she has not even seen her real home. So she was born on Earth and never had the chance to see Heaven...

"Oh..." I said quietly, "I'm sorry."

It was hard to believe that this little angel is still so young. All of the nasty things I have said to her so far filled my head and I wanted to take it all back. No wonder she got so sad easily...

"What do you mean you are sorry?" she asked, her big round eyes bore into my own.

I didn't know how to broach the subject. For most angels, I have learned that speaking of Heaven is actually a very tender area. I can't relate in the sense that Hell is not quite as 'blissful' but I understood the feeling as it gives you a true sense of home that Earth simply does not give us.

"You haven't been to or even seen Heaven. Your true and rightful home. The place where you naturally belong... You are so young, you have barely lived..." I said softly.

Trinity surprised me greatly but shrugging lightly, "That's ok. I haven't seen it so how can I miss it? I was born on Earth so as far as I am concerned, it is my true home and it may not be perfect but it's not that bad for me so why complain when there are others who are far worse off?"

Angel's Weren't Meant To Be Slaves. Welcome To Hell, Master. *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now