Chapter #23

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*Asher's POV*

 I felt peace. I felt peace like I had never felt before- it was as if a bucket of warm water fell down onto my cold body and mind, washing away all the grime and dirt that was my pain and anger. My heart was free of all of the hurt and restraints I had been drowning in, and my soul was lighter than ever before.

 It had been 8 years since I met the love of my life. Things had moved fast for us, I'll be honest. We'd acted as if we'd known each other for years when we first met. Everything with her was so easy and comfortable, and I saw a light radiating from her that I had never experienced, or even knew existed. Of course I've loved people before her- my family, my friends... Though with Astrid, it was different. It was like being in a very large, cold house by yourself, but finally finding and opening a door to a warm, happy environment filled with all of the things you'd missed out on in your life.

 As I sat on the hammock hanging from two large trees in our backyard, I watched my mate and our 2 children, running around and laughing loudly. Astrid was goofing around, as usual, tickling both of our small boys with a beautiful grin on her face. 

 "Daddy, come play!" Our youngest, Brennan, yelled to me. I smiled brightly, relishing in the love I felt swelling through me as I watched my three biggest miracles all turn to look at me, such light and care in all of their eyes.

 Astrid ran up to me, taking one of my hands in both of hers as she looked down at me with the same smile. Leaning down, she pressed a gentle kiss on my temple.

 "What're you thinking about?" She plopped down next to me, continuing to give me feather-light kisses. 

 "You," I hummed softly, reaching around to hold her waist in my hands as I kissed her back. The kids continued to play tag in the grass. "I'm thinking about the kids, and I'm thinking lots about you." 

 She giggled, reaching up to cup my face in her small, warm hands. I felt the cold silver ring on her left hand gently come into contact with my cheek. "I love you," She whispered, biting her lip to try and lessen the massive grin she had playing on her lips. 

 "I'll always love you, baby." I felt her love for me as she leaned into my side, wrapping her arms around my torso with a contented sigh. 

 "Daddy, come on!" The kids both shouted out another laugh-filled plea for me to come and chase them around, and I felt the happiest I've ever felt.

 "Daddy's coming, boys! Daddy's coming."

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