Chapter #16

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                                                                      *Astrid's POV*

"Okay, Astrid. You're free to leave, but I don't want you doing anything difficult or strenuous. Okay?"

Four days. It's  been four days since Asher found the rogue, and no matter how many times I tell him to leave and go question the him, he refuses. 

"Okay," I sighed, nodding. I wanted to get out of here, right now. I didn't want to be caged in like a little weakling not capable of getting a drink of water by herself anymore.

Sure, that day when I woke up and Asher was gone, I was pretty weak. But don't I have the right to be sometimes? Everybody does. Even Asher.

Speaking of Asher, he was currently helping me change into one of my new dresses, since I still had quite a few bandages wrapping my body and other clothes would be too tight.

"Thank you, Asher," I said quietly, a bit self-conscious of my battered and bruised body.

Smoothing out the black fabric that fell to my knees, I gave my mate a small smile.

"Not a problem, babe. How are you feeling?" He asked me, lifting me up into his arms.

Nodding, I frowned.  "I can walk, Asher," I reminded him, resting my head on his chest.

"Not right now, you can't. It'll take an hour before that medication wears off. Remember?" 

My face dropped, a small pout forming on my lips. "Oh... No, I didn't remember. No wonder my legs felt weird..." 

He chuckled, kissing my temple lightly before carrying me out of the hospital room. Resting my head on one of Ash's broad shoulders, I scanned my surroundings as we walked.

Turning a corner, we passed what I'm pretty sure was a game-room. There was around seven boys in there, and as soon as Asher and I passed by, I saw all of their heads whip towards us.

Asher just kept walking, though, not really paying attention to anything but getting upstairs to our new room, I suppose.

"Alpha!" They all chorused. I let out a small yelp of surprise as one of the boys grabbed my shoulder, trying to get their Alpha's and Luna's attention.

As soon as the small sound left my mouth, Ash had turned around so fast I'm surprised he didn't get whiplash.

A loud growl burned through his throat, his lips curling back to show his canines. "Mine," He snarled, looking at each of them in turn.

When he started to advance on the young boys, I brought a hand up and cupped his cheek, forcing him to look down at me.

"I know, and they know too," I said quietly, stroking his cheek. "I'm yours' and only yours'," I watched as his  eyes soon turned back to their regular colour,  the shining emerald green I'd fallen in love with. 

His canines shrank back, and he sighed, nodding. Kissing my forehead, he looked back up to the seven who had left the game room to see us. "Sorry," He muttered, looking anywhere but them. "Just don't touch her. Ever," With that, he turned on his heel and marching straight to the staircase. "We'll be staying at the pack house for a while, is that okay?"

Biting my lip, I nodded. "Yeah," I said quietly. 

He stopped abruptly, looking down at me with a frown. "Baby, they're not going to hurt you. They'll do the exact opposite- they're going to protect you with all that they are. I promise. You don't have to be scared anymore," He told me honestly, whispering the last part. 

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