Chapter #19

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*1 month later*

*Astrid's POV*

I groaned, clutching my protruding stomach as I waddled down the hallway, stopping at the top of the stairs for a break.

I bit my lip roughly, trying to remember that I could get down the stairs by myself, and that Asher would be home in 20 minutes, so I needed to get this done.

With a final grunt from me, I carefully eased down the stairs, taking my precious time in walking to the kitchen, gasping for breath by the time I got there.

I know what you're thinking- She's so melodramatic. It's only been one month! Well, as Asher explained to me before, pups grow faster inside the womb, so right now, it's as if I'm 7 and a half months pregnant.


"Astrid! What the hell are you doing?!" Cam snapped, rushing over to me and grabbing my hips, ready to carry me back upstairs.

"Cameron, I'm fine." I panted, swatting his hands away. "I was just going to go and make a nice dinner for Asher when he gets home, so he doesn't have to do it again," I muttered, trying to get past my best friend/guard to head into the large kitchen.

"Luna," I sighed at the title. Even though we were best friends, he insisted on it. "Asher will slit my throat if he finds out I let you out of bed. You should be resting. You're pregnant." He reminded me, cocking an eyebrow as he started to recite my mate's rules. "No getting out of bed, no being by yourself, no strenuous work, no walking too much, no tricking Cameron again, no-"

"I get it!" I snapped, squeezing my eyes shut. "I'm sorry," I whimpered, feeling awful at how mean I'd been. Stupid pregnancy hormones. "I-It's just the hormones, I-I-I'm sorry!" The tears started pouring down my cheeks, my hands flying up to cover my face. "I didn't mean to be m-mean!"

"Astrid," He soothed, wrapping his arms around me in a brotherly way, rubbing my back. He'd began to get used to my raging hormones. "It's okay, you don't have to-"

"What the fuck?!" A loud voice bellowed, immediately making me aware that my mate was home. Just as I was about to walk over and into his arms, he marched towards Cam, gently placing his hands around my waist and pulling me into his hard chest, pressing my face into his shirt while his other hand massaged my back lovingly, despite his anger. 

"What the hell did you do? Why is my mate crying?!" Asher growled, holding me tighter. I knew he was doing it so he didn't get too angry and beat Cameron black and blue. He was about a billion times more protective since we became aware I was pregnant.

"Asher," I said softly, my voice muffled by his shirt. Instantly, he loosened his grip enough to look into my eyes, his hard features softening considerably.

"What'd he do, baby girl? Did he hurt you? Did he-" I cut him off before he could get worked up once again, bringing my index finger up and placing it on his plump pink lips.

"No," I said quietly, looking down at the floor. "It was my fault. I, I was mean to him," I whispered, ashamed of my behavior.

His body visibly relaxed, but a frown became etched onto his face. "What're you talking about, sweetheart?" He asked softly, leaning down and peppering kisses on my forehead, cheeks, nose, chin, and finally, my lips.

Before I could answer, Cameron butt in. "She wasn't being mean at all, Alpha. She was in your room, but she stealthily came downstairs and started for the kitchen, right? So I asked her what she was doing and recited the rules you'd set and she cut me off and told me she got it. It's my fault, sir. I was being an ass, but she shouldn't have been out of your room." He concluded, looking down at me.

"Is that true, princess?" Ash asked gently, tipping my chin up to look him in the eye.

"Yes," I whispered, averting my gaze again.

I was startled when his booming laugh echoed throughout the house, my eyes snapping up to see his large grin and dimples, forest green eyes alight with amusement.

"That's why you felt mean?" He finally asked, regaining his breath but still chuckling a bit. Shaking his head, his grin only widened when he saw my startled expression. "Baby doll, you weren't being mean."


"No 'but's, Sweetheart," He murmured, kissing my forehead. "Now, are you going to tell me why you sneaked out of our room?" He asked with a smug smile on his face, tightening his hold.

Before I explained, I turned slightly in his arms and looked over at Cam. "You can go home, now, Cam." I whispered, giving him a small smile.

 Hesitantly, he regarded the two of us before slowly nodding and turning to leave the mansion. Before I could even think of turning back around to my mate or even saying something, I was swiftly spun around, landing once again in Asher's arms.

"Baby, I know it's hard for you. But think about our pup. Moving around too much probably isn't all that safe for him, or her, right? So if you need anything, anything at all, you can mind-link me, or call up Cam, okay, sweetheart? I'm doing this for your safety, and the pup's safety." 

Sighing, I diverted my gaze, cautiously biting my lip. 

"I know," I said quietly, my bare feet suddenly the most interesting thing to ever meet my eyes. "but, I just wanted to have dinner made for you by the time you got home, because, because I know you like cooking but you don't like it because it makes you feel girly, and lately all you do when you get home is make supper, and, and I feel bad about it." I mumbled, my last few words barely audible.

"Baby girl, look at me," He spoke softly, placing a finger under my chin to lift my eyes to his. "I don't care about the cooking. What I care about is my mate and my pup. Okay?" His words melted my heart, as did his actions when he lightly rubbed my bottom lip with his thumb.

"Okay," I whispered.

"Good. Now go get ready, you have an appointment in an hour."

A/N: GAH!! I'm really sorry for the wait on this chapter. I'm also sorry it's not that long and just a filler. But I'm visiting my dad in the states. I'm sorry:( 

Please forgive me??

Anyways, please tell me what you think of this chapter in the comments section! 



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