Chapter #13

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A/N: Hey! Sorry for how I left you guys with a cliffie last time;) Hope this helps!! Also, pleassseeee read my new story on Wattpad; Tall, Dark, And Handsome. Thanks<3

Can I get 10 votes on this chapter and at least one comment? That'll be our goal for this one... Thank you!! :* VOTE, FAN, COMMENT!! 

P.S. I'm sorry, but this chapter has some mature content including abuse. I apologize deeply if this offends any of you, and I did NOT mean any of it in an offensive way. So, if you don't like that stuff, please don't read this chapter. I'm sorry if any of this has ever occurred to any of you, and I don't mean any of this in an offensive way.


                                                                               *Asher's POV*

A-Asher... Asher p-please... Help m-m-me...

A vicious snarl left my mouth, startling a few human customers around me. While she had been gone, I had run and put the bags into my truck. I was glad for that now, because I could run to my mate without thinking about the bags.

Baby, where are you? What the fuck is going on? Please angel, I need you to be brave here. Help me help you.

I was frantically sprinting towards the bathrooms when her small voice came back to me.

It's him... H-He gave me a needle, and my head really h-hurts, Asher... Her voice was weak, and I could feel the connection waver slightly.

Who's 'him', baby? Please, talk to me. I shoved my way past a group of teenage boys, not acknowledging  their grumbles about me being so rude. When the bathroom came in sight, I could smell her scent prominently, along with the smell of Wolfsbane. For humans, it couldn't kill you unless given large amounts, but in small doses it will make your body weak and sluggish.

M-Ma-Matt... Asher, I can't do it... He-Help me... We're in the parking lot, and his car is a big blue truck and his licence plate has a bunch of twos I think... I love you. I couldn't register what I was doing anymore. My wolf clawed and scratched the inside of my brain, growling and roaring at the thought of our little mate being taken. Wait- did she say Matt? Fuck! 

Astrid, don't say that. I'm going to come get you. I promise. I love you too, Angel, please, stay awake... Even to my ears my voice was strained and desperate. I made it to the parking lot, but it was too late. I couldn't catch her scent anywhere because there was so many God damn people in the parking lot. 

"Fuck!" I roared, my body shaking violently. I knew I probably looked terrifying- I was a pretty big and muscular guy, and I didn't give off the 'warm and cuddly' vibe. And here I was roaring, shaking, and growling in a parking lot. Great.

Fucking great. 

                                                                              *Astrid's POV*

Waking up, I felt weak and sore everywhere. The bed I was in wasn't comfy and warm, and I couldn't feel Asher beside me.

What the heck?

Keeping my eyes closed, I went to move my arms around the bed when I quickly realized I couldn't.

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