First and Last Game

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Selena's pov-

He came up to me with all his football gear on except his helmet. He had a really big smile on his face. Which made my smile appear.

"Good luck baby" I said. He leaned down and kissed me.

"I'm really nervous." He said.

"Don't be, you'll do great." I said.

"Bieber! Get out here" I heard his coach say.

"Okay, I gotta go." He said. He kissed my cheek. "I love you."

"Love you too" I said. He turned and ran out on the field.

I turned around and saw jessica laughing, probably at one of Dylan's jokes. I stepped up the bleachers and sat next to them.

The first play, Justin got the ball thrown to him. He ran 30 yards before someone from the other team tackled him.

The crowd cheered.


Towards the end of the game it was 28 to 7 us. There were a few minutes left in the game. The whistle sounded and the play started.

I heard a bunch of gasps and my head flipped back towards the field.

"Looks like number 11 took a hard tackle" the loud speaker said.

"Oh no" dylan stood up.

"Is that Justin?" I said.

Dylan didn't answer. I heard someone else stand up, Justin's mom. Oh my god. I looked back towards the field.

"Number 11 doesn't seem to be making any movements." The loud speaker said.

I hopped down the bleachers and stood at the gate with my fingers hooked in the metal squares.

"Come on Justin" I said.

Some people from the ambulance came out and lifted him up.

Tears were already forming in my eyes. His mom was next to me. They carried him towards the ambulance.

Me and his mom walked over there. We met them at the ambulance. I looked at Justin. He wasn't even awake...I thought he just couldn't move. He's actually out.

"Okay, get in were going to the hospital." He said.

We both got in the back with Justin.

"What's happening to him? Why is he asleep." I asked.

"I...don't know" she had tears in her throat.

I texted jessica to grab Justin's moms stuff.

When we got there they got him inside quickly and put him in a room. Me and his mother waited outside, not saying anything.

"Will the mother of Justin please come in." The doctor said with a sad tone.

I looked at her and she got up.

She went in and the door closed.


30 min later her mom opened the door, the doctor left and she motioned me in.

I got up and walked in. Justin was still unconscious.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"..Justin got hit pretty hard I guess. The doctor says he has a concussion. A bad one." She said.

"Okay, so what does that mean?" I said.

"He lost some of his memory. Short term." She said. "He can forget anything and anyone that occurred in his life up until a year ago."

"...what, but I didn't even know him a year ago." My eyes started to water again.

"Hey, he might not forget you...she said maybe" His mom said.

Justin's pov-

I opened my eyes. I saw two people in the room with me. One was my mom. I felt like i knew the other one but I couldn't quite put it together.

"Mom" I said.

There heads both turned towards me quickly.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"You have a concussion, sweetie." She walked over.

"I do? How did I get it?" I asked.

"Football. You made it on the varsity team." She said.

"I did? Cool." I said.

I looked at the girl in the corner for a second. She was looking at me.

"Mom...who's that?" I asked.

My moms facial expression changed and she looked back at the girl in the corner.

I looked at her too. She was starting to cry. She turned her back on us and walked farther to the corner.

My mom looked back at me.

"That girls name is Selena." She said.

"Selena.." I said.

"You met her this year. She was a good friend of yours." She said. Selena's head turned back around.

She opened the door and walked out of the room.

"Why is she mad.." I said.

"She's just sad that you don't remember her. But that's okay, I'm sure you'll become just as good of friends as you were before." She said.

My mom stood up and walked out of the room too.

Selena's pov-

I heard the door open behind me.

"How could you not tell him that we were dating?" I said.

"Selena...I really don't think it's best for him to try to remember what being your boyfriend was like." She said.

"What...that's not fair, I love him." I said.

"And he loves you." She wiped my tears off my face. "Just make him fall in love with you again."

"What if he doesn't want to fall in love me with me again...what if he isn't even interested." I said.

"He will be." She said.

"I think I'm just going to walk home" I said.

"No, definitely not. This is my the cleanest part of town." She said.

"I don't care.." I said. I walked towards the doors.

"Selena, don't walk..ill give you a ride in..give me 5 minutes." His mom said.

I waited. She dropped me off at Jessica's house and I waited outside for a while before going in. I was crying outside her house for a while before I went in.

I walked inside and jessica flew down the stairs.

"Is he okay?" She came over to me.

I wanted to say something but my eyes filled up with tears and my throat got scratchy.

I started crying again. Great.

"Sel? Are you okay? What happened?" She asked.

"He got a c-concussion.." I said.

"He did? Is he okay now?" She asked.

I nodded yes.

"Then what's wrong?" She asked.

"He doesn't...remember me."

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