Moving in

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jessica dropped me off at my house, I walked in and hoped my dad wasn't there. I didn't want him to ask me where I was.

He wasn't there. I set all my bags around my..couch. I heard the doorbell ring. I panicked because I hadn't had time to put all my new stuff away yet.

I went to the door, opened it and saw jessica.

"You forgot this.." She handed me the bag and looked behind me. "Woah."

" my house." I said.

"..Selena, I have an extra room at my house if you want to stay for a while..I wouldn't mind." She said, she still was looking at my house.

"I'll have to ask my dad." I said.

"Okay.." She said. "Here, take my number."

"I have a flip phone.." I said.

"Oh, you can have this one. I just use it for online shopping." She handed me a perfect looking iPhone.

"I can't take this..seriously your giving me way to much stuff." I said.

"Selena..I want to help people like you.." She said. I know she meant it in a good way. "Please let me help you."

I took the phone. "Just delete all the shopping apps and start fresh."

She put her phone number in her old shopping phone now and gave it back to me.

"Just text me if you need anything..seriously anything." She smiled.

"Thank you so much Jessica." I said.

"Anything for my new BFF." She said.

I'm someone's BFF. Holy crap, ugh I'm so happy. I have new clothes a phone, my dreams have come true. Maybe I'll even be able to move in with her.


A few hours later I heard the door open, I looked up and saw my dad come in..he looked out of it. I looked down, in his hand there was a liquor bottle.

It was half gone. I started to get scared.

" sucks." He said.

I didn't say anything.

He lifted the bottle up to his lips and took a few gulps.

He sat down in the couch chair next to the couch I was sitting on.

"You want some?" He lifted the bottle and pointed it towards me.

"" I said.

"Stupid child." He said. "This.." He pointed to himself. "Is all your fault. If you would have just...not been would much easier."

"Are you saying you don't want me?" I asked.

"That's exactly what I'm mess everything up." He threw an empty solo cup at me. I flinched when it hit me but it didn't hurt.

"Go live with your mother." He said.

"Moms dead." I said.

"Because..of you.." He hiccuped. "You killed 'er"

I hate it when he talks about mom, she was so much better than him. I turned away from him.

"Don't turn your back on me you whore!" He threw his phone at my head.

"Ow" I said under my breath. I turned back towards him.

I got off the couch and grabbed all the bags of stuff I got today, I grabbed the stuff I brought.

"Fine, I go to moms." I said.

I walked towards the door.

"Wait!" He said angrily.

I didn't look back or stop. I heard him grunt, and then the bottle of liquor hit the wall and shattered, right next to my head.

I turned towards him, scared out of my mind by now. He was walking towards me. Slowly. I opened the door and closed it behind me. I ran down the driveway and across the street.

He opened the door and walked after me.

I shifted everything over to one hand and called jessica with the other hand.

It rang twice, then she picked up.

"Hey, babe." She said.

"Can you pick me up by the.." I looked around to see restaurants that were close to here.

I saw panera across the street.

"Panera" I finished.

"Yeah, sure. Why?" I heard her move on the other side of the line.

"I'll explain when you get here." I hung up.

When I looked behind me, I saw my dad trailing behind. But he was still following me.

I went to Panera as fast as I could and hid behind a wall. My dad didn't see exactly where I went.

I heard a car pull into the Panera parking lot, I looked around the wasn't jessica.

Ugh, where is she..I knew my dad was trying to cross the street because I heard honks And his voice yelling back at them.

He was getting closer. Then, I say Jessica's car pull into the driveway. I immediately dashed to her passenger seat side and opened the door.

I saw my dad, he saw me. We made eye contact for a second, then I looked away to put all my stuff in the back of the car.

"What's going on?" Jessica said.

I didn't answer I kept throwing thing in the back of her car. I put my legs in and closed the door.

"What's going on Selena!" She yelled.

"Go! Drive!" I said. She listened. She pulled back and went onto the street, I looked back at my dad. He was staring at me while I drove off.

"Are you going to answer my question now! Who was that guy?" Jessica said.

"My dad, I'm sorry for-" I started to say. She cut me off.

"Don't apologize, I just want to know the truth." She said.

"I'll tell you..everything...when we get to your house. Is the offer of me moving in still on the table?" I said.

"Of course." She said.


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