Welcome to New York

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Tree could not believe how Taylor could have packed so many boxes. Her new apartment was flooded with them and singer still insisted that they would have to go shopping tomorrow for her new home. The only thing the PR wanted to do was to go home to her own new apartment and relax. When Sam came up carrying what he said was the last of the boxes, Tree thanked the gods for small miracles.

"Taylor? Where are you?"

"I think I'm in what is supposed to be my guest bedroom."

"Ok, all of the boxes are here in the apartment, so I'll leave you to unpack..."


The PR ran in the direction of Taylor's scream, to find the blond hiding behind some boxes.

"Are you ok? What happened?"

"The window! There's a huge bird with something in its clutches! It was going to attack me!" Said the frightened singer, still glaring at the bird. Nobody had warned her about NY killer birds! She would have to keep all the windows closed.

Tree looked at window and saw a royal eagle carrying a letter in its clutches. She carefully approached the animal and reached for the envelope. The eagle let it go and flew away into the sky. The woman examined the envelope in her hands; it was addressed to Miss Swift in a fancy calligraphy. Closing it there was a purple wax seal with a blazon. Tree sighed, news certainly travelled fast. She really hoped she would have more time to get acquainted with the city before dealing with this kind of formalities.

"Where is it Tree? Did you scare it way? Why had nobody informed before about NY killer birds? I knew I should just have moved to London!"

"Taylor, will you calm down."

"At least there I would be safe, who knows what else this city has. Mom was right, if it was good enough for the Queen why it wasn't good enough for me. But no I had to be all brave and move to New York

"Taylor, will you shut up please!" Said an exasperated Tree

"Rude much?"

"Taylor that was not a 'killer bird', there is no such thing for god's sake!"

"You don't know that!""

"Yes I do, that was a messenger eagle. It brought this letter for you."

"Who even sends letter by birds anymore? And how did it know where I was? It's from a stalker Tree! We have to alert security!" The singer said becoming more and more agitated.

"It's not from a stalker Taylor! Breathe! It's from the Queen."

"Now who?"

"Taylor what do you know about vampires?"

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Tree decided to move this conversation to the living room. It was stocked with boxes but at least it had a couch.

"So tell me, what do you know?"

"Well they are evil blood suckers that will rot in hell. And the only one I was unfortunate enough to meet was a real asshole. So that's it, I know all I need to stay away from them. And before you berate me I know that should keep this private, when asked about them I should be diplomatic because of the fans."

"Who the hell taught you that? Didn't you have vampire history on school?"

"Hey! My mom taught me that! And no, by the time it was obligatory I was already homeschooled so I was spared from the details."

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