World Premiere

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Taylor rushed to Andrea before her body could hit the ground. With her still unconscious mother securely wrapped in her arms, she looked at Karlie incredulously.

"That is what you get from all of this?"

"Can you blame a girl for wanting a little bit of romance?"

"Karlie! Urgh! You're so frustrating! We don't have time to do this right now."

Hearing that the Queen only smirked and inched closer to where Taylor was holding her mom.

"Oh no." Taylor mumbled seeing the mischievous vampire approach.

Karlie stood in front of Taylor, smirk firm in place. She made a motion in the air as if caressing Andrea's face. Taylor felt her mom's body slump in her arms.

"Now we have time. I believe she'll be more comfortable on the couch."

"What did you do to her?" Taylor said while carefully laying Andrea down on the couch.

"Commanded her to sleep."

"You glamoured her? But she wasn't even awake!"

"New trick, nice isn't it?"

"Oh my god! You just knocked out your own mother-in-law!"

"When you say it like that way it sounds mean. But back at the in-law business, how could you not even propose?"

"Karlie why are you so upset about something so trivial when I just told my mother that I'm engaged to an evil bloodsucker! She's going to blow the roof over this one! It's not like we weren't going to get married anyway, hell I'm already your mate."

"Well she have every right to be mad, you lied to her about being engaged. Corrections: I do not have to marry you and you are not my mate yet you're my wairua."

"Why are you acting like this when we have a bigger problem on our hands?"

Karlie smiled sadly. "You really don't get it, do you?"

Taylor just stared exasperated at the blond vampire.

"Miss Payne if you could please watch over Andrea, we have some matters to discuss at the study."

"Of course your Majes-Karlie. Taylor I'm so sorry she ambushed me and I really did not know what to do."

"It's ok Tree, nobody can stop Andrea Swift when she is on a mission."

Taylor and Karlie moved in silence to the adjourning study.

"Derek, Jourdan!" Karlie called.

In seconds, the two vampires stood in the room.

"How..." Taylor started asking.

"You have to answer when your maker calls to you. And yes, I can do it to you too."

"Who's the old lady on the living room couch?" Jourdan asked.

"Hey! That's my mother!"

"Then why is she knocked out?"

"Because she kinda of barged in when I was feeding of Karlie. Thankfully – I can't believe I'm going to say this - we were on a compromising position so she just assumed we we're making out or something. Karlie calmed me down so I looked human enough; when my mother asked what was going on I introduced Karlie as my fiancée and my mother fainted. Karlie putted her into a glamour coma."

"By the kaha! How come you're engaged and you didn't tell me the minute it happened! Did Taylor proposed? Did she serenated you, I always thought she was going to do something like that! Where's the ring?" Derek rambled excitedly.

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