Feeling the bond, among other things...

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When Taylor woke up she was still dizzy, she had never taken drugs but that must be the feeling. It was something so exhilarating, so visceral, so addictive. That last part scared the hell out of the singer; that was the reason she have never taken drugs.

She looked across the room and saw Karlie still passed out in the couch. How a creature could look so ethereally beautiful while unconscious Taylor didn'tknow. The Queen was sight to behold, her serene expression, the way her body was immobile but her muscles suggested nothing but movement, her pale skin glistened reflecting the light. At that moment Karlie reminded Taylor of sunshine: in the way both always looked breathtakingly beautiful but untouchable; in the way they both were a promise of power; in the way that they were both dangerous, you could burn yourself if you got too close; in the way they both never failed to bring a soft smiled to the singer's face.

Taylor continued examining the room; Tree was right next to her still fanning her. Doutzen was fastly whispering with what could only be described as the oldest lady Taylor have ever seen. Derek and Jourdan stood on guard on each side of the couch. Derek was talking with a man that Taylor supposed could only be Karlie's father. He had the same purple eyes although his were a weaker shade and held no warmth like his daughters, but the blond hair and the way they carried themselves were a dead giveaway.

"Tree, is everything ok?"

"Oh thank god you are finally awake! I was so worried! Taylor Alisson Swift don't you dare pass out on me for more than 3 hours again!"

"If I pass out for just an hour are e good?" The singer asked mischievously.


"Ok, ok. I surrender."

"Are you feeling well my dear?" The old lady asked approachingTaylor with a surprising speed.

"Yes, for the most part I feel normal. There is still some numbness and something I can't exactly pinpoint. Maybe I hit my head?"

"No child hit your head you did not. What you feel the bond it is; from the Queen herself the numbness comes. That what you cannot describe the beginning of your transformation it is. Found we have the real mate of the Queen, doubt there is not."

"Transformation? Wait! Slow down! Transformation into what?"

"Elder I think you are overwhelming my daughter's mate, those matters can be discussed later." Karlie's father approached Taylor while the elder slowly retreated with an unreadable look in her face. "Taylor Swift, who would have known my daughters destiny laid with a superstar!" The man said smiling. "Forgive an old man Taylor but you have no idea how much joy this brings to father! A mate! My Karlie has been blessed by the fates! Could I please hug you, I already feel like your family."

Taylor smiled at Karlie's father; he seemed like such a good man. She proceeded to hug him and everything happened so fast she could only see the aftermath. Karlie was standing between Taylor and her father with what seemed like a knife sticking out her abdomen while the man laid bloodied on the floor in front of the Queen.

"Father how dare you! I knew you disliked my rule, but trying to kill my human mate? That's not fitting for a king. Even a fallen one like yourself! Kurt Kloss I hereby arrest you for high treason, you will be given a fair trial where you fate will be sealed."

The king stared laughing while spitting some blood. "I made the mistake to underestimate you during the vampiric war; you should have died when I baited you to that Italian army. But no, you defeated an army by yourself. If I wanted to kill your mate, I would not have coated the knife in ossaregum. Checkmate my Queen, you have a few minutes of life left."

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