Meeting the family - part II

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"No! You do not get to do this! You will not make me like you and die on me!" Taylor said while trying to feel a pulse or any sign that the Queen was still alive.

"She is still alive, you would feel if she were dead." Josh said to Taylor.

"Then do something! Get Doutzen, the Elder, Kariann!!!" Taylor said desperately

"Ok. I'll get them. Will you held her?"

"Of course. Just do something!" Taylor said nestling a fragile Karlie on her arms.

In seconds, she was alone with her mate. Kristine and Josh hopefully out getting help.

"You stupid stubborn vampire with a hero complex. Why did you have to hear the nonsense I said about evil bloodsuckers? Could you not be a little more selfish? God I hate so much right now! But I also kind of love you! You are infuriating!"

"Taylor, I'm so sorry." Kariann said looking at singer crying silent tears over her sister's body.

"Sorry? Do something! You're a vampire doctor!"

"Karlie asked me not to, I made a promise to her."

"Does insanity runs on your family? SHE IS YOUR SISTER AND SHE IS FUCKING DYING!"

"Taylor this about so much more than Karlie's life."

"If you are talking about that nonsense of setting me free I will slap you!"

"Of course not, those were her personal reasons. Do you think it does not pain me to see her like that? To stand idle while I could at least try something? It wrecks me inside out. However Karlie was right, she can stop a war like this. One life should not outweigh thousands of others."

"Do even hear yourself talking? You are killing her!"

"I'm obeying orders."

"When will everybody stop listening to her crazy ideas?"

"They are not crazy, quite the contrary. And when she stops being the Queen."

"Come the time has then. A Queen the Kloss child still is, but not a reigning one." The elder said entering the room followed by Doutzen and Karlie's family.

"She is not dead yet Elder therefore she is the Queen."

"Correct you are. When incapacitated a Queen is, who rules?"

"Can we stop wasting time with those riddles! Karlie is dying!" Taylor interrupted.

"As you wish your majesty." The Elder replyed.

"What?" Kariann and Taylor echoed.

"Share only her soul the wairua does not. Everything she shares, ruling power she has now."

"Rewind that. Now that Karlie is ill Taylor is the Queen?" Kimby asked.

"The powers of one she has, until her mate's last breath."

"I call the shots now?"

"Yes child."

"I order that everyone who is capable of helping find a way to save Karlie's life no matter what."

"I can't I promised Karlie." Kariann rebutted.

"Will you go against the orders of your Queen? That's treason. And do not count on me to bail you out if I become Queen." Kimbly retorted.

"She needs blood. A lot of it. And maybe even that won't be enough to heal her. Her body has been shutting down for the last week. There's anything you can do Doutzen?"

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