Meeting the family - part I

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As much as Taylor dreaded to admit, the only place she ever felt more at home than the Kloss Tower was Nashville.

When Karlie told her that she would not be able to leave the premises for a month she flipped. She thought she was going to die from boredom. The Queen took it upon herself to introduce Taylor to the Tower the way its inhabitants saw it.

First, all the vampires lived above aground. Yes, the 4237 vampires that composed the Kloss court lived in apartments on the 81 floors that stood above ground. Except from the five floors that constituted Klossy and the Kloss restaurant.

The other 60 underground floors were where the fun began. Although Taylor still found weird that they only had 2 garage floors for all this people. According to Jourdan the average vampire was much faster than a car, so why bother.

Karlie showed Taylor what she liked to call Kloss Town, 40 floors all decorated to mimic a city. There was a shopping mall and an IMAX cinema for modern vampires, a shopping plaza, a central plaza with amazing restaurants, and Taylor's favorite the old plaza.

In the old plaza, she met Johann, a friendly vampire who owned the record/instrument store. He was a genius playing any instrument; obviously, Taylor paid him daily visits. She annoyed the old vampire so much that now they were building from scratch a new piano for the singer.

Taylor was already impressed with all stores, restaurants and with how alive the Kloss city looked. But that was not the Queen's most prideful architectural achievement.

They had an underground beach! With a wave pool filled with salt water, LED screens mimicking the horizon and even fake sunlight. Taylor loved to work on her tan laying the sand. It didn't hurt that there were adorable vampire toddlers with their blunt fangs hobbling around.

She even met a teenage girl who pronounced herself the president of Taylor's vampire fan club. She didn't even know she had so many vampire fans. That led Anastasia into guilt tripping her to make an exclusive concert for then. It was amazing; Taylor got the chance to play with Johann and his friends who were by far the best band she had ever heard.

She could still remember how hard Karlie had laughed at her when she told her the story that day.

"Wait, the president of your fan club is a teenage girl called Anastasia? She would not have red hair and blue eyes by any chance?"

"That's her! You've met her! She's so adorable, although she has mean puppy eyes. She ended up making me play a small concert for her and my other vampire fans."

"By the Kaha! This is too much!" Karlie said before falling of the couch laughing.

"Hey! Why are laughing? I was just being nice to my fans! And they were teenagers I was helpless!"

That just send Karlie into another fit of laughter. After the Queen calm down she spoke.

"Taylor, Anastacia the 'president' of your fan club is over 800 years."

"She is not! She doesn't look a day older than 13! Or maybe 14."

"Love, vampires can stop the physical effects from aging. There's a whole ceremony  to do it and you stay frozen with that same look for eternity. It's just like turned vampires, they can't age. But the trick point is a part of your mind also gets frozen in that age. Therefore Anastasia is 800 and 13."

"Oh god! I've been tricked by someone even more ancient than you! I'm going to kill that fake teenager!"

"Calm down love. Come here." Karlie said patting the spot next to her.

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