The Queen

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Karlie knew she had exaggerated a little bit with a formal entrance, but she wanted to see how Taylor Swift would react. After what she saw through her eagle Miss Swift was going to be fun, it really astounded her how one of the world's biggest stars could be so alienated. I mean Karlie knew about Taylor, she was even a fan. Hell 'All too well' was the masterpiece of this generation for her.

So yes, she wanted to impress the girl. She was a vampire virgin! It had been decades since Karlie found one of those and had to make the whole 'I am not going to kill' speech. Taylor's music videos didn't do justice to her beauty, for a moment the Queen found herself lost in blue like she used to so much time ago. It was foolish of her to even entertain such thoughts; the girl was terrified of her and she was human! A bloody human, literally. Karlie was probably starstruck, I mean she was like this way when she met Hemingway and Cole Porter.

But not even a strange human could take away her need to dance. She had a lot of fun dancing with Derek; it reminded her when they followed a Chic tour around the world. Music to her was freeing, moving without intent and just feeling the harmonics was incredibly relaxing. As it should be for someone who spends 6 hours a day training different fighting techniques.

Karlie missed being a princess sometimes, she could dance the night and sometimes day away with only Derek and Jourdan by her side. The world was hers to explore, now the world was literally hers. As Uncle Ben said in the comic (not the terrible movies) 'With great power comes great responsibility. That's precisely why she was leaving the dancefloor with her glass of champagne and K blood, she had a guest to entertain.

"Hello your Majesty" She heard Martha saying. The royal smiled, Martha and Gigi were great friends and she enjoyed their dalliances. But today she already had plans. She took the girls to the private vampire area and found a booth.

"Hey Mar, Gigi."

"We were waiting for you Karls! Why you never dance with us anyway?

"Gigi you know the answer to that, it's same reason we cannot have sex. Unfortunately, you met me when I was already Queen and I have a decorum to follow. That's the reason I brought you here tonight, I have a meeting so I'm afraid I will not be able to entertain you."

"With Taylor?" Martha exclaimed outraged.

"That's what we're calling it now 'meetings'?" Gigi remarked

"Jealousy doesn't really suit you. Next time remember whom you are talking to. I am your friend but above all else,I am your Queen. I do not own anyone an explanation for my actions. Now if you excuse me I have business to attend to." Karlie said leaving the girls behind.

Jealousy was such a human and annoying feeling. Thank god vampires were much less attached, unless you were cursed with a mate. However, Karlie was almost safe, only nine more years and the fates will have no chance to trap her.

She resumed her walk to the club's throne room and found Jourdan already sited by right side of her throne.

"Hi Jour, have you and Derek fought over sitting arrangements yet?" The Queen asked her friend.

"Yes, this afternoon actually. I was sired first so I have dibs on being your right hand."

"And Derek didn't throw a tantrum?"

"No I explained to him that you are actually ambidextrous so none of us has a real advantage. But it would look better for you as Queen to have your chief of security by your right otherwise you would seem frivolous."

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