Hey stranger

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Taylor's heart was beating faster than it ever had in her life. If she was even alive anymore. The singer looked at Karlie's confused face and her stomach sank even more. She gartered all the courage she had left and asked:

"Karlie, what am I?"

"I...I..." The Queen struggled for words.

"You can tell me, I promise to freak out only a medium bit."

Karlie looked at the purple eyes gazing hopefully at her and sighed.

"Taylor, I don't know what you are."

"WHAT?" Taylor screamed looking at Doutzen and the Elder for help.

"Adapting you are. What you are it does not matter. In the past your human life is and in the future your vampire life waits." The Elder said.

"What about the present! Someone please tell me what I am! My mother is going to kill me!" Taylor said with tears streaming down her face

"Adapting. To the Kaha you mean?"

"Yes, my Queen."

"No human would be able to handle the amount of kaha in her body. She fed from you didn't she?" Doutzen asked.

"I thought we had already covered that. Yes she did, many times."

"Think about it Kloss, humans cannot hold this amount of kaha. That is one of the fundamental differences between the species; her body should not be able to handle this. It's right in her eyes, she evolved."

"How can I have evolved in less than 24 hours? According to Darwin that was supposed to take ages!!!"

"Die you would have preferred? Strong your bond is; it's preparing you from what will be asked of you."

"And what is that?"

"Nothing Taylor. Don't worry I'll ask Kariann to check up on you and see what is different."

"Risky this choice is my Queen for the truth always emerge."

"Elder thank you for your services. Doutzen and I can take it from here."

"As you wish my Queen." The Elder said leaving the room.

"Can't you just make some spell to make me human again?" Taylor asked Doutzen.

"I'm sorry; we can't undo what the kaha did."

"Great. Now when I meet people I'll be like 'Hey my name is Taylor, I used to be human but now nobody knows what I am. But don't worry I'll be a vampire.'" Taylor said bitterly.

"Taylor you are like a kaha sensitive human. You are still closer to humans. Yes, that may have altered you biologically. But no one has to know."

"Umm about that your majesty, Tree and I have been brainstorming most of the night to create a story for the public." Derek said.

"What public? No one will know about this."

"Kloss this is not going away anytime soon. You two need each other to survive now. I mean even you would not last more than a moon circle without her." Doutzen interfered.

"And Karlie, it's not safe for Taylor anywhere outside in the light of recent events." Jourdan added.

"I'm well aware of all of that. But I have a feeling that you have dealt with that all night too."

Derek, Jourdan and even Tree looked like dears caught in the headlight.

"Derek, Jourdan TALK!"

"Well you see my Queen in our cover story Taylor moved to New York to live with you because the two of you are engaged...."

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