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Taylor was feeling a thousand of conflicting emotions at the same time. She was so glad Karlie was alive the relief was almost palpable. At the same time, she was so angry with the vampire, the things she had said to her!

She was also relieved to have not died, well 'died died' at least. She was supposed to be a vampire now but she felt the same. She tried to run and even punch things but nothing was different. Taylor was scared, Karlie had been right about one thing. She had not thought about anything other than keeping the vampire alive. Now that she was one herself, where did that leave her? Would she be able to have a normal career? Would her fans hate her? Her family, how on earth was she going to tell then? Her mother would surely try to stake her.

Would she be able to be next to humans without looking at then like happy meals? The 'what ifs' were making her crazy, almost as much as certain Queen who shall not be named was. That is why she had spent the entire day gazing through one of the huge windows of the penthouse.

When the moon was high in the sky, she heard Karlie stumbling home. The girl was clearly intoxicated as she kept bumping into things. Taylor sighed. She knew the other vampire was coming home one time or another. She would probably go off on the singer again and treat her like a puppet.

"Taylor?" Karlie slurred.

"What do you want now?" The singer answered bitterly.

"It's never about what I want." The Queen said taking a seat beside her mate.

"Could have fooled me earlier." Taylor mumbled.

"Yeah, I wanted to hurt you a little."

"How can say that so nonchalantly?"

"Because it's true."

"Do you really hate me that much? You didn't even try to spare my feelings. "

"I don't hate you. I can't, I already tried. I just I am not in a position to care about your feelings."

"Wow. That is rich; first you have to get drunk out of your mind to talk to me and then you have to be 'in a position' to care about my feelings?"

"Did you thought about mine before doing all this? Because I had many sleepless nights thinking about yours."

"I...I...I thought being alive would be better for you?"

"I know, but what about how I felt?"

"I don't take you for the suicidal type, so I assumed you would be happy." Taylor said angrily.

"I know. However, you have to understand from where I come from..."

"Can't you just shut up about duty and yada yadayada!"

Karlie just smirked. "I see your emotions are already peaking."


"Did you really think that you would wake up a full fledged vampire?"


"Your naivety borders stupidity." The Queen said laughing.

"Is this amusing to you? I just turned my whole world upside down again for you! Do you think it was easy? Or that I even wanted to fit in here? I did all because you were my mate and you were so considerate! When I heard you were dying, there was no choice in my head. Especially when you told Joshua that you were falling for me! How could I let someone I had feelings for die? You had all of that selfless bushtit about setting me free and you fucking believed in it. Where did that Karlie go? Now you are jerk. How can you expect me to understand vampire politics if just a month ago I thought you were some kind of hellish myth? How can you expect me to think calmly about consequences when I had seconds to make a decision? The only I thing that I could understand was that you were going to die. So no, I will not apologize for not letting someone that I...cared about die! I will not apologize for at least giving us a chance!" The singer said exasperated, getting up to face her maker.

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